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~Redwood City, California~

*???'s POV*

Life on Earth isn't as simple as most would expect.

There are things on Earth that would look like something one would normally see on a screen.

*An episode of Stan Lee's Superhumans is shown on a phone*


*A commercial for SGNL is shown on a tablet*

Advanced technology,

*A presentation of a new aircraft is shown on a computer*

Futuristic vehicles,

*A report of a strange sea creature is shown on a magazine cover*

And even living things that are much different from the average Earth inhabitant.

*An episode of a particular cartoon is shown on a TV*

Some even think like a human, talk like a human, act like a human, but aren't really a human being.

*A video game battle is shown on a TV*

One thing is for certain:

There are things in this world that are beyond the comprehension of an average human being.

Anything can happen in this world.

*A young man and an unknown person are walking along a river*

At least, that's my philosophy.

Then again, that's probably just my autism speaking.

After all, people with autism tend to have such imaginations.

Ever since I was diagnosed with autism, I've always been able to imagine stuff, such as self-inserting myself into various cartoons that I watch. And this was way before the term "self-insert" was even coined.

But it wasn't until I reached elementary school where I finally found my true calling. I was able to write and type my own stories. Of course, they weren't that good, but you have to start somewhere.

As time went by, I got better. I was able to express my imaginations to others around the world.

*The sky flashes for a split second*

*The two look up, thinking it's a storm*

I just... never thought things would get a little more... realistic.

???: Looks like a storm's coming.

??? 2: Should've brought an umbrella.

???: I already told you. I don't use them anymore. Besides, you should have it easy. You're able to ab- *Spots something in the sky* What the...?

??? 2: *Spots it as well* What's that?

???: I don't know. *Squints* It's going kind of fast. *Notices something* Oh, gosh. It's coming this way!

*The two run for it*

*The strange thing gets closer and closer, until...*


*The two open their eyes, seeing that no one was hurt*

???: ... What...?

*The two spot the strange thing, revealed to be a strange aircraft, sitting right next to the river*

??? 2: Huh. We got lucky.

*The two carefully approach it*

??? 2: What kind of a plane is this supposed to be?

???: Not sure. It looks like something out of-

??? 3: *Groaning*

*The two are surprised to hear someone groaning inside the aircraft*

???: ... H-Hello?

??? 2: ... Is someone in there?

??? 3: ... Y-Yeah. We're in here.

???: *?* There's more of you?

??? 3: Three of us.

*The two get closer look of the inside, where they can see 2 unconscious males and a worn-out female*

??? 2: Are they okay?

??? 3: ... *Turns to her friends* Yeah... I think so. We were just flying around, looking any danger, when all of sudden, our ship just... brought us here. We don't even know how or why.

???: ... Don't worry. We'll help in anyway we can. There's no way we're letting you sit here.

??? 3: ... Thank you. I'm Kara by the way.

??? 2: I'm SpongeBob.

???: ... I'm Jeremy.

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