Chapter Nine, part B

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Over the next two days and eternity had passed. Hayden thought as much as he surveyed what had once been a peaceful village that was all but carved out of the world around them. In two days time all that had changed as the Kirin had taken her seat on her father's throne.

            The first orders she had given was to send for all the elf leaders that were scattered across Eytherka and have them join her at Out Post. Her next orders turned her peaceful villages into training grounds and giant armories in preparation for the upcoming war she was sure was coming.

            "A storm is coming our way, we can either let it roll over us and destroy us or we can fight it off." Kirin had stated when the few elves that disagreed with her ideas spoke up.

            Hayden and the others had been worried that there would be nothing for them to do to help the elves prepare but those fears proved to be pointless. Kirin had summoned all three of them to her throne on the second day after her father's funeral.

            "My friends, I want to thank you for all that you have already done for us and all that you are going to do." Kirin started off. She did not speak freely as she had done back in the Summer Woods but here she was now playing the part of queen.

            Kirin wore elegant forest green silk robes that had gems sown into the fabric to look like rain drops on a leaf. Her crown was the same that her father had worn but the emeralds in the crown seemed to shine a little brighter.

            "You're welcome your majesty." Cass replied as formally as she could.

            "Is it safe to say that all is ready to put our plan into motion?" Kirin asked. Hayden did not know why Kirin was being vague about their plans but he thought it best to play along.

            "It is, we are ready whenever you are, we can begin immediately if necessary." Hayden said.

            "That won't be necessary right this very moment. I have a few requests to make of you three before that day comes." Kirin spoke through a smile that did not fool Hayden and the others.

            "And what would those be?" Shane asked.

            "Well I would like to put the three of you in charge of our defenses. You three know the enemy we are facing better than anyone here. In fact you were the enemy not too long ago. Shane I would like you to take control of all our ground troops and begin training them to fight the army that is surely racing towards us." The elves that stood around Kirin's throne did not seem surprised by what she was asking them to do.

            "I....I can do that." Shane replied, looking to his friends for help.

            "Good, our people have done things their own way for a long, long time. It will be hard to change them but our survival as a race depends on it." Kirin nodded at Shane and he returned the gesture.

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