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3 years later

Me and Tom have been married for 3 years, our baby girl, Railyn is now 3! She looks just like Tom but she has my hair color and my lips, she's absolutely beautiful. We also had a little boy a year ago, his name is Damien. And we're expecting! I told Tom and he's over the moon excited to have another baby.

Bill is also over the moon excited to be an uncle, the role really suits him. Did I mention bill also found a girl! Her name is Reanna, she's honestly my best friend. They've been together for 2 years.

2 years later

Railyn is starting her first day of school! It makes me to sad to see her to grown. We also had another little girl, her name is Marylyn Ray. She looks just like me, while Damien also looks like Tom.

Me and Tom are dropping Railyn off at school. We walk her to her class, we give her a hug and say our 'I love you's and our 'have a good day's.

Our little family is growing older by the second..

10 years later

Railyn is starting her 10th grade year, while Damien is starting his 7th grade year, and Marylyn is starting her 6th grade year. Our kids are so grown!

Thankfully, me and Railyn have a good relationship you know especially for her being 15 we're actually like best friends! But Marylyn and Damien will always be a daddy's girl and a daddy's boy.

Tom and the band are still making music! It's pretty hard to be away from Tom at times but we always talk while he's on tour.

3 years later

My baby girl is going to college! I'm over the moon proud of her, but I have definitely cried A LOT, it's like yesterday she was just born!

Damien is now in 9th grade and Marylyn is now in 8th. I'm so proud of them both.

Tom and the band eventually retired from music to focus on their families. Also Bill and Reanna got married and have 2 children, twins actually! Justin and Matt, they're both 13.

It's like one second me and Tom are best friends, then we're dating, then we're married, and now we have 3 absolutely beautiful children!

Our life's sure have been an amazing adventure..


Hi guys! Thank you so so so much for reading my story! It mean so much! But don't forget I have another story in many page called "My Girl" if you guys would like to read it!

Well I guess this is the end of this story.

7/2/23 - 9/26/23
MIR- #191 band

Written by sh4dywillowz

Reads- 5k Votes- 112

39 parts

458 words

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