I missed you.

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~Toms POV~

Y/ns mom is driving us way out of town. I didn't realize how far out he lived. All I can think about is y/n, I miss her so much, I need to know if she's ok. I cant believe someone's own parent would do that to someone, especially to y/n, she's so perfect. She doesn't deserve this.

~Your POV~

You finally finish cooking dinner, your dad didn't have much to cook but you manage. "Sir your dinner is ready" you say walking into the living room. "Bring it in here" you nod and grab the food from the kitchen, "here you go sir" you hand him the food. "What the fuck is this?" You look confused, "It's steak" your dad throws the plate on the floor, "I don't fucking like steak you slut" your dad grabs you by the lingerie bra, "now pick that shit up" your dad slaps you then drops you on the floor, "get the fuck up" you get up and clean the mess. And throw it away. You sigh, where the hell is the cops?

"Come here" you walk over to your dad, he grabs your wrist and drags you into his room. "Lay down" you do as he says. You start to cry, by your own dad? "Please dad don't do this" your dad slaps you again, "shut the fuck up bitch, you don't talk unless I tell you too" you nod. Your dad started to remove the bra, "no dad please stop" you cried. Your dad ignored you and kept going. He took off the bra exposing your bare chest. You pushed your dad off causing him to flying into the wall, your dad fell to the floor, you grabbed a shirt to cover up your chest and ran out the door.

When you got outside cops pulled up outside of the house, Tom, bill and your mom pulled up right after the cops did, Tom got out of the car and immediately ran to you, Tom pulled you into a hug and you fell into his arms, "I'm so sorry Tom" you cry into his arms "no no y/n you have nothing to be sorry for, it's all his fault not yours" you shake your head "I'm ready Tom, I want you. I need you back. I love you." Tom kisses the top of your head, "I love you too. Y/n, will you be mine again?" You laugh a little "of course" Tom lifts your chin pulling out of the hug a little, Tom leans in and kisses you. You kiss him back, you pull away slowly and turn to watch your dad getting arrested, "Excuse me ma'am? Is it alright with you if we ask you some questions?" A cop said walking up to you. You nod and follow the cop and Tom follows behind.

The cop leads you to a private area where he pulls  out a pen and notepad "who's this?" Pointing at Tom, "he's my boyfriend, is it ok if he stays?" The cop nods and clicks the pen. "Ok so let's start, what's your name?" (Bold text is the cop and reg is you)

"Y/n L/n"

"Mhm and what's your boyfriends name?"

"Tom Kaulitz"

"Ok y/n where do you live?"

"604 windrow lane avenue"

"What school do you go to?"

"Kurfuerst high school"

"How old are you y/n?"

"I'm 17"

"Ok y/n go ahead and tell me what happened, I don't need a lot of detail I just need to know what happened"

You nodded, "I left school early, I don't live that far from school so I just walked home. I got home safely. When I got home I just changed into something more comfortable and laid down on my bed. I hearts knock at the door and I just thought it was a package so I ignored it. But then they knocked again so I answered it. It was my dad and he grabbed my wrist and dragged me into his car. When we got here he threw me in his attic and locked the door. About a hour later he came back and gave me lingerie to put on. I remembered I had my phone on me, so when I left I texted my mom, my sister, Tom, my best friend bill, and my sisters boyfriend saying 'SOS'"

"Ok and may I see the text messages?"

You nodded and handed him your phone the cop gave you the cue to continue "My dad came back to the attic and told me to go downstairs, I went downstairs and he told me to make him dinner, so I did. I made him dinner and I guess he didn't like steak, he slapped me then told me to go to his room. I followed him into his room, he tried to rape me but I was able to push him off of me and run outside to meet you guys."

The cop nodded, "Ok thank you, you can go back now"

You smiled and nodded and walked away with Tom. Tom interlocked his fingers with yours "I will always protect you meine liebe. You're mine and I will love you forever" Tom said pulling you into a kiss, "I'll love you forever as well Tom" you whispered against his lips. You forgot about the lingerie that you were wearing, which clearly showed your fresh scars, you were also wearing your dads shirt which also showed your scars. "Y/n? Are these new? I've never seen those on your thighs. And the one on your arms these look new y/n." You don't answer, you don't feel like talking about it. "Here sit here" Tom said sitting you down on the front step. He grabbed your arms and kissed your scars all the way down to your hand. He did the same on your other arm. He moved down to your thighs and kissed every single scar on your thighs. You got goosebumps from his touch, he was so gentle and so soft. Tom moved to your lips and kissed you. You started to tear up under his touch, he wiped your tears away, "make me a promise, you won't hurt yourself anymore, promise?" You nod, "I promise" Tom smiles and kisses you again.

Bill came running over and you stood up. "Oh my god y/n I was so worried about you" bill hugs you, "I missed you as well bill" you say hugging him back. Bill hugs you tighter. Your mom walks over and you both pull away, your mom cups your face with her hands, she pulled you in and hugged you "I was so worried, I love you so much" you start to cry a little, "I love you too mom"

The cops finally let you go home, Tom and bill stayed the night with you.

You all got home and you went up to your room. You changed into black and white pajama pants and a long sleeves gray tight crop top. You crawled into bed, bill and Tom followed after you, bill got in on your left and Tom on your right. Tom grabbed your waist pulling you close to him. And bill laid close to you. You turned your head to face Tom to give him a kiss and you hugged bill. You've never felt more safe.


Hey guys! Sorry that this part isn't written as good I wasn't really sure what to write lmao💀 thank you for all of the votes! I also want to say sorry for this part it's kinda weird😭

1277 words

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