The Party

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Tom grabbed your hand and dragged you into the party. As you walked in, everyone who saw you was looking at you, the boys were checking you out the girls gave you weird looks.

You made your way to the kitchen and saw your friend Myla. "Y/N! I MISSED YOU" Myla said as she hugged you, "I MISSED YOU TOO!" You said. "Do you want a drink?" Myla asked "Yea sure!" Myla handed you the drink as you chugged it down. You got a drink after the other. "Y/n slow down" Myla said as she was taking the drink from you. "Fuck off" you said as you grabbed another drink. You wondered off and started talking to some boys who obviously were into you.


I went into the kitchen and saw y/ns friend Myla. "Hey where's y/n?" I asked. "I don't know, I turned around for a second and she was gone I can't fucking find her!" Myla told me. I start to panic and me and Myla began to look for her

After about 5 minutes of looking I saw her flirting with the guy who every girl swore he was the cutest boy they've ever seen. As I walked closer I was fucking shocked that he was actually flirting was her knowing she was drunk, I don't know why I was shocked, this isn't the first time he's done it.

A sudden form of rage but calmness washed over me as I walked over to them. "Come on y/n we gotta go" I said. "No Tom I want to stay here" she said as she pulled away from my hands, I finally managed to pull her away from him. "Fuck off Tom" she said as she walked away from me.

I followed her back into the kitchen as she got another drink of tequila. "Y/n you've had enough" I said taking the drink. She tried to walk away but I grabbed her. I saw Bill walking in and I rushed over to him as y/n had her arms around my neck and her face in my neck. She wasn't kissing my neck though, she just hugged me. "Bill! Bill!" I yelled "Yea? Woah what happened to y/n?" Bill asked "She's drunk. Come on let's go" I rushed bill, "Ok let me go talk to someone real quick, go out to the car." I nodded and brought y/n outside. She looked at me. God she was so gorgeous, her perfect dark brown eyes, her dark brown hair, her perfect lips. I don't know what's happening to me. I've never felt this way about her before.

"Tom" she said, "Yea y/n?" She didn't say anything she just stared at me. "I love you" she finally spoke, "I love you too y/n" I mean we've been best friends for years, of course I love her. "No Tom I mean I love you. You're so majestic, and cute and there's just nothing not to love about you." She then kissed me. I felt terrible kissing her back as she was this drunk.

She pulled away and I went over and sat her down on the steps as I sat right beside her. She laid her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes. Just then Bill walked out. I grabbed y/n and we made our way to my car. I layer her down in my back seat and I got in the drivers seat while bill got into the passenger seat.

I just knew I couldn't bring her home this drunk so I took her back to my house.

I pulled into the drive way and got y/n out of the back seat. Shit my room is upstairs. I called bill to help me walk her up to my room.

Friends-Lovers-Strangers-Lovers (Tom Kaulitz)Where stories live. Discover now