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Avyansh returned home late and sighed when he saw his mother waiting for him.

He made his way towards her and sat down.

"You should have not said Ansh. She is your wife." started Aishwarya.

A sigh left his mouth. "I know mom but those were important papers. She can't be this irresponsible."

"And how do you know she was the one who spilled water on the papers?"

"I am not blind mom. I saw that."

"It's not necessary that everything you see is true. I spilled that water by mistake she just quickly picked up the cup to lessen the mess." he saw sincerity in his mother's eyes and a wave of guilt washed over him.

"I thought everything was fine between you two and you actually went for business trip but I didn't know that you were avoiding her and told her to stay away from you."

"I am sorry mom but I can't help it. Shrinidhi is her sister and it was her who gave courage to Shrinidhi for running away by doing it for the first time herself."

"You know nothing about her Avyansh. Sriniddhi and Siya are totally different from each other. Her grand parents are very manipulate. They have always criticized her as she is the oldest child.

Both her aunts have always been mean to her and Arya because they think that they gets extra love and care as her father is the richest among his siblings. Though rest of her cousins loved them but sriniddhi and praniddhi were jealous of these two.

Them running away from the marriage was also planned by them and their mother Shilpi because they knew how you have anger issues. Manisha heard Shilpi over the phone call while she was talking to her daughters. They just wanted to make Siya and Arya's life difficult. Though they didn't have success in case of Arya but I can't say the same for Siya."

Aishwarya said making Avyansh feel even more guilty.

"And the fact that you said about running away. So let me tell you that her grandparents and her bua wanted her to become a doctor so she could just make money but she didn't wanted to put peoples life at sake because she was not at all interested in being a doctor.

Both the sisters have always been the rebellious ones and spoke what they wanted. They hated their family and did not try to hide this fact because her family also tried to manipulate her mother.

Manisha is a strong woman so are her daughters. She always supported them and Rajiv loved his daughters but was a little emotional one. His mother faked tears and he did things he never wanted to.

Having enough the girls left the house to start their own journey. They did not ran away."

Avyansh was left speechless after knowing the truth.

"I have known her life. She always dreamed of a beautiful partner who could save her from this world. Her mother told me how she always talked about the qualities she want in her future husband.

So I am requesting you, please give her a chance and let her be a little happy."
Aishwarya said with a small smile and kissed his forehead before leaving.

Avyansh was deeply engrossed in his thoughts when he entered his room. He furrowed his eyebrows when he didn't found Siya in his room. It was past 12 p.m and she was not there.

He thought that maybe she is angry with him that's why she is sleeping some other room. A sigh escaped his mouth as he settled himself on the bed.

It was hard to sleep for him due to insomnia but soon sleep consumed him as the last thought on his mind was that he have to apologize to her the first thing in the morning.

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