Are You Some Sort of Sadist?

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The loud bickering causes a massive headache when you're just plowing away through drinks. The scent of overly powered cologne peaks my senses even more. I can see the massive crowd of men in business suits speak over accounting issues, or bickering about the latest drop in the stock market. I guess Johnny boy bought enough shares to cost his family a fortune if it were to plummet.

It didn't occur to me that in that same bar, in the same vicinity was going to be the very man that made my whole ego crumble.

Mr. Hale.

He's dressed in a black formal two-button blazer made of Italian wool fabric. His beard was recently trimmed so now his face was clear. For a moment he looked even younger than me.

I couldn't help but scan his physique for it was God himself who created such an attractive being. My mouth went dry in an instant once my dirty thoughts consumed my brain. I would love to sit on his c-...

"Ellie!?" Brooke calls out to me disrupting my brain of these on coming thoughts.

Quickly shaking my head I turn to her. "Yes?" My answer slightly muffled by the straw in my mouth.

I'm assuming by her amused look that she thought I was a bit intoxicated, and if I wasn't so incoherent I might have been subjected to more alcohol. "No more daiquiri's for you ma'am." She states chuckling as she walks over towards my chair.

"Isn't he just sexy?" I ask still keeping my eyes on the millionaire sitting across the way. "I mean," I start to explain even though my slurred words probably sound like jibber jabber to Brooke. "I mean he's like super controlling, and all.. b-but I wanna just have 'em all to myself y'know? He's my piece of white chocolate." I giggle to myself fidgeting with my fingers.

I feel as though I was in another dimension. Everything was irrelevant with only the satisfaction of my drunken state. I felt happy for some reason. Is this the effects of alcohol? Not only was I impaired, but limbo in the legs. Still I was not equip to even care about how I was acting.

Surely I would regret this in the morning.

I'm still giggling and trying to concentrate on walking with Brooke, but then we stop all of a sudden. When did we even get up? I'm confused at the moment. The deep voice of an authoritative figure speaks. "Miss Chasen." His voice calling for attention.

"Oop," a giggle escapes from my lips "were in trouble." I probably sound like a crackhead right now with my constant giggling.

"Is Miss Donovan alright?" His voice sounds weary.

Quickly Brooke answers him nervously. "Yeah she is fine sir."

"No need for the formalities outside of work Miss Chasen. Would you like some- help?"

Brooke smiles slightly as if she's embarrassed. I would be embarrassed if I had to help an emotionally unstable and hormonal imbalanced head case like myself. "You're so handsome," the slurred words slip out of my mouth.

Oh goodness!

What was in that drink? Although I don't drink I don't understand how the alcohol could have affected me so quickly. I was in and out throughout the conversation that was being held from the both of them.

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