Ladies Proposal

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A few days had went by since the argument with Ellie the other night. I took to physically working out and pushing papers in the office to consume the time until she was ready to talk with me. My thoughts were consumed with what she was doing, and how she was doing.

Today was Monday.

Today was the day she had to decide if she wanted to work with Glen or not. I suppose he tried to coax her with many of his parlor tricks.

Xander: I apologize for the other night.
Xander: I don't know what came over me. You didn't deserve that from me.

Just then there's a bleep with Iris's voice speaking through a speaker. "There's a Mr. Codwell on line two sir," she announces carefully.

"Thank you, Iris. I'll take it from here," I place my fingers around the phone picking it up.

I hear him clear his throat. "Why must you always ruin the game Hale?" He asks.

"I'm not sure what you are trying to get at Mr. Codwell."

"Hurst is what I mean."

For a moment I am quiet waiting for him to dabble in matters which were none of his concern.

"This is all just a gentleman's game. You knew the rules even before agreeing to the game. She's just a girl."

Ellie wasn't just some girl though. I've grown to develop a connection with her. "Leave her out of this. She'll never sleep with you anyways. So you're wasting your time."

"Maybe I don't want to sleep with her. I think she would look stunning as my concubine."

"Ellie isn't that type of girl. Plus I told you before she's with m-"

I hear him start to chuckle deviously on the other line. "You act as though Ellie cannot give in to temptation. Besides she didn't even much acknowledge your existence while she was having lunch with me the other day. Might I say she's got great legs like a stairway to heaven. I was hoping I could go for a test drive sometime."

"I'm only warning you once, Glen," I clench my jaw trying to hold back the anger.

"Ah ah ah, you broke the rules of the game Xander. Don't think it's over."

The phone clicks as the dial tone sounds like a broken record playing over and over nonstop in my ear.

A few minutes went by before I got a text back from her finally. The anticipation was mounting as I awaited anxiously for her to answer.

Ellie: I made my decision. We can meet somewhere and talk. That way we can have a firm understanding of one another.

Xander: Indeed. Name a place, and time.

Ellie: Your office. 8pm.

I wondered why she chose my office to want to discuss this matter. Personally, I would have preferred a restaurant.

Xander: Alright, Miss Donovan.

Ellie: Bye, Mr. Hale.

Gentleman's AffairHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin