Mr. Demanding

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He always took the world by a storm. I was never so careful myself. His mysterious ways kept me on edge. I always wondered what he thought of me behind his intense eyes.

Ellie is typing...

Ellie: Hey stud! How are you?

Xander is typing...

Xander: Hello, beautiful. I am swell. What about you?

I smile at his delightful message. Xander is a mysterious and polite gentleman I've been talking to online. We've been friends for about a year or so, but I've never met him before. I'm probably getting ahead of myself, but my friend put me on some dating website to help me be more open and friendly to the opposite sex. I wasn't too fond of the idea, but went ahead and decided to give it a try. Xander seemed to be the most decent and non horny-just-looking-for-sex-or-nudes guy. Although some people might think he's some pervert or fifty-eight year old guy wanting companionship.

Ellie: I slept well. Just at work. You know the usual. My boss the controlling and possessive cluster fuck is making me send out these papers to everyone in the firm.

I look up at my boss sitting in his office with his hand propped up on his desk and looking in the computer intently. He seems to be enjoying himself. I wonder what he was doing.

Xander is typing...

Xander: He sounds interesting...
Xander: Why don't you like your boss again?

Ellie is typing...

Ellie: Ugh, he's just....
Ellie: Just sooo.... blah.
Ellie: Did I tell you about the day he caught me googling one of the contracts he wanted me to send out. He was very angry that I was digging into something that wasn't my business

Xander: Well was it your business?

Dammit, Xander. I sneer through my teeth. Clever clever devil.

Ellie: Well no...

Xander: Then I can see why he was mad.

Ellie is typing...

Ellie: That's not the point. It wasn't that serious.
Ellie: I mean.. I know I shouldn't be prying into other people's business, but I just wanted to know.

Once I sent that last message Xander had vanished. Did I mention he had a habit of disappearing? It was very weird at times. Because at some of those exact moments my boss would come waltzing over in his thousand dollar charcoal black Armani suit and give me demands. I sigh to myself as I close out of the chat message box.

"Miss Donovan, I'm going to need that spread of last weeks expenses for the Green project. Don't forget to set an appointment for my mother to visit. I will also need you to work late tonight. I need to set up the final documents up for Mr. Frank to finalize," he states firmly hovering over my desk.

In my head all I can do is mock his demanding tone. Do this, file that, change my boxers, go to my house and make me a five-star meal. Blah. Blah. Blah. Although he wasn't that bad of a boss. He still made me feel like I was beneath him. I was surely intimidated by his demeanor. I was always uneasy around him.

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