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For the first time in a long time I was sleeping next to another human being. It wasn't like anything I ever expected anyways. I didn't feel like I was worthy enough to possess another human being.

My eyes never leave her watching as her arm as it's draped over my chest. This woman was truly something wonderful in my eyes. If only she would have listened to me..

I sighed as I knew I wouldn't be able to get any sleep.

Once she's comfortable enough I slip away out of bed. My bare feet hit the cold floor walking towards the hallway. The only place where I could walk around fully nude.

The brightness of the computer was blinding. I click over a few emails trying to get some work done since I was wide awake with nothing to do.

I look up to see her by the threshold of the doorway. "Why are you up this early?" She asks yawning as she wraps the bed sheet closely around her.

"No reason. Why don't you go back to sleep? I'll be in there soon."

Ellie sighs heavily with a look of concern on her face. "I cannot sleep without you there," she whispers walking over to the desk.

I turn my chair around for a better view at this beautiful being.

Ellie glides over towards me the sheet dragging on the floor as she does. She then places her hands on both of my shoulders to prop herself up. I watch her adjust herself upon my lap so that she's not uncomfortable.

"Do you have nightmares about your past?" Her question catching me off guard with the on coming flooding memories of the past.

"Stay there and don't come out until I tell you!" Her voice trembles in fear as she closes the closet door.

There's loud pounds two seconds apart from one another at the door. "Listen bitch open the fucking door! I don't got all day!" A man hollers drunk from the other side.

Shaken and terrified the girl slicks her hair down rushing towards the door. "Yes daddy! Coming!" She unlocks the door in a hurry.

"About fucking time! What the hell were you doing?" He spats walking into the door.

The young girl in her early twenties shakes her head. Fear in her eyes tell her not to test the belligerent man. "Nothing. I was just straightening up. I swear.." She croaks trying to fix the bed.

"Come here, I've missed you all day," the man says in a husky voice.

He grabs her wrist roughly pulling her between his legs. The young woman's frail body stands between his legs waiting for his next move. She's dressed in a pink leather skirt above her knee's, with fish nets going down her legs into some high heels. Her pale skin jitters as the man slides his fingers down her exposed flesh along her stomach where the black tube top stops.

"Get down on your knees and show me how much you've missed me," he demands pushing her body down by her shoulders.

The girl obeys his orders slowly kneeling down. He loosens his pants freeing himself out to her. A disgusting looking man he was. The fierceness in his eyes demanding for complete and absolute control. Hair on his chin growing along his side burns growing roughly indicated that he didn't shave regularly. The worn out t-shirt covered in dirt had to be from a scuffle he's gotten into earlier or maybe automotive work.

Alcohol stained his clothing the scent forever lingered.

I watched from the closet through the little slits where she had been pleasuring him. Frightened for her life I was only but twelve at the time. The shattered memory only becoming a nightmare when the man roughly chokes her upon his shaft.

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