Chapter 46:Day Break

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Amanda's POV

As I groaned in pain, my head throbbing and my body restrained, I gradually regained consciousness. The room swayed as I struggled to focus my vision. A sticky liquid trickled down my forehead, and the realization slowly dawned on me that I was tied to a chair.

Questions flooded my mind: What had happened? Where was I? And where was the helicopter we had hoped to escape on?

Suddenly, the memories of the recent events rushed back. When we had confronted Ethan during our escape attempt, he was alone. Despite his strength and resilience, the three of us managed to overpower him momentarily. Kira had been on the verge of shooting him when his men arrived and intervened. In the ensuing struggle, I had sustained an injury, and my recollection faded into darkness.

Taking in my surroundings, I realized I was in an office. The central chair faced a large panel displaying a CCTV system with various views of the estate. Ethan was likely seated there, overseeing everything.

My wrists throbbed with discomfort, the restraints cutting into my skin. Desperate to find a means of escape, I scanned the room for anything that could aid me. However, my gaze fell upon Kira, lying motionless on the floor, blood staining the ground. I couldn't determine the source of her injury.

"Kira," I called out, my voice filled with concern.

"Hey, wake up," I urged, attempting to nudge her with my leg.

"Ethan," a familiar voice screamed.

My head snapped in the direction of the sound, tears streaming down my face.

"Hunter," I cried out.

I saw him on the screen, his eyes darting around frantically.

"Amanda, are you alright?" he shouted, looking up at the camera.


"Ah, ah, ah, ah. I didn't permit chitchat," Ethan interjected slowly.

"I complied with your demands. I've instructed my people to back down and stop attacking. Come out and face me," Hunter spoke up.

"You don't get to make the rules here," Ethan reminded him.

"What do you want? You've wanted to kill me for a long time, right? Here I am in front of you. This fight is between the two of us anyway. Let everyone else go," Hunter pleaded.

"You're right, but every time I personally try to kill you, you manage to survive somehow. It's fucking annoying. So, I figured the only way you'd die is if you were shot at point-blank range. Even you can't dodge that," Ethan explained.

"Ethan, please stop this madness. He's your younger brother. What has he ever done to you?" I interjected, my voice trembling.

"He truly is my younger brother, so he wouldn't object to a little game. You and Zack annoy me a lot, but this constant fighting is starting to bore me. However, I can't just let you live in peace. So, I thought we could have a little wrestling match between you and Zack. The winner gets to take their girl and drive off into the sunrise," Ethan elaborated with a twisted grin.

"What the fuck? Stop fucking around and get Skylar out of that car!" Zack shouted as he appeared beside Hunter.

"Ah, yes. I locked the bitch in a car. The car she's in has bulletproof windows, and there's no way to access it without the key, which is in my men's possession. The car has been filled with an odorless poison that will kill her if she doesn't receive fresh oxygen within the next 10 minutes. But it gets better-the gas from the car is leaking. If you fail to kill Hunter within that timeframe or if you attempt any tricks, the car will explode with Skylar still inside. If you manage to save her, you're free to go, just the two of you. But Amanda and her unborn child will die," Ethan declared, his voice filled with sadistic satisfaction.

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