Chapter 38: Picnic

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3rd POV

Amanda stared blankly at her reflection in the mirror, she couldn't sleep, her anxiety had grown as time went by. She didn't want the sun to rise. No matter how much Hunter assured her that he wouldn't mention them breaking up over again she still couldn't get over the fact that he considered it.

She thought now that she was calm, he would bring it up again so she dreaded the idea of morning. When morning came she did her morning routine and got ready for work but all she did for an hour was stand at her bedroom door trying to find the courage to walk out.

After pondering over it for a long time, she finally opened her bedroom door.

As soon as she opened the door, she was greeted by Hunter on his knees holding a white rose in his hands.

"Hunter" Amanda called.

Hunter offered the white rose to her.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong please forgive me," he said his head bowed.

Amanda was confused, she didn't know what was happening. She got the rose he offered her nonetheless.

"What is this for, why are you apologizing and why are you kneeling on the floor," She asked.

Hunter held his ears and stared up at her.

"Last night I said something that made you upset and cry, I promise I'll never do something like that again so please forgive me" He apologized.

Amanda couldn't help but smile, he looked so cute, like a little kid who was being punished. A wave of relief washed over her.

"You didn't have to go this far, I'm not angry, just please never say you'll leave me ever again," She asked.

Hunter grabbed her hand and then placed a kiss on it.

"Yes, my Queen, from now on I'll make sure to phrase my words properly " He assured.

He stood up and as soon as he did Amanda launched into his arms.

"I'm sorry" She apologized.

"Why are you sorry —come with me I made breakfast for you" Hunter spoke up.

He held Amanda's hand and then led her downstairs. He excitedly severed her the dishes he had spent hours making for her. Amanda was a little confused, she didn't understand why he was acting like he didn't say he wanted to break up just the night before.

She was happy he wasn't treating her any different but she was still a bit anxious. Skylar and Zack came downstairs shortly after Hunter started bringing out the dishes.

"Wow, what a feast," Zack said excitedly as he and Skylar pulled out a seat each.

"What's the special occasion," Skylar asked.

"None of this is any of you, I specifically made these for Amanda" Hunter spoke up.

Amanda stared at the food he was referring to, the table was full of dishes that at most could accommodate 7 people.

"What the hell do you seriously believe she can finish all this, are you planning on rushing her to the hospital to her her stomach pumped," Zack asked.

"He was just joking, feel free to grab whatever you want, Hunter cooked breakfast after such a long time we should enjoy this right" Amanda spoke up.

Zack stared at her, she seemed normal although she was looking a bit tired. After Hunter and Amanda talked that night, he found Hunter drinking in the kitchen. The two had a conversation and Hunter narrated what happened, Zack prior had noticed Amanda's odd behavior but hearing it was that bad just made him worried.

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