Chapter 13: Nate

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Zack's POV

"Are you still skulking, it's been a while since it happened" I asked Pocking her cheek.

"What of course not and stop poking me," she said.

"Honey, you can't lie to me, I can see it's still hurting you that Hunter fell in love with someone else"I declared.

" of Course it hurts, I suspected it already but hearing it directly from him hurt even more" she commented.

Tears started dripping from her eyes.

"I didn't mean to make you cry and you shouldn't feel bad, once he remembers he will come running back then you should make him cry" I advised.

"I mourned him for four years while he was here falling for Skylar and the bad part is I can't blame him,  she is pretty, smart, and an incredible doctor" she cried.

I wiped her tears.

"I think you are much more beautiful, you have a great body, you're kind, loyal, smart and you have bigger boobs than hers" I assured.

"You are just saying that to make me happy, I see you drooling over her as well" she replied.

I laughed.

"You are ugly when you cry, your features change, and you start looking like a man, so please don't cry" I stated.

" you are a serious asshole, I hope your dick falls off when you go to bed tonight "she insulted as she wiped her tears.

"You shouldn't worry so much, I told you long ago, didn't I? You have Zack's stamp of approval, and if he still wants Skylar after regaining his memories then I'll just kill her for you, or you and I could just get married, is that OK" I asked patting her head.

She nodded.

"Good girl" I praised.

I stood up and opened my arms, she stood up as well and then hugged me.

"I don't understand why you are still crying. You survived a heart attack when you thought he died, this is nothing—you were able to make him fall for you without even doing anything back then so, don't worry, everything will be OK" I said.

She didn't reply

"Zack" Rai called.

I turned around and caught a glimpse of him glaring at me.

'What the hell is this atmosphere, he reviled that he was in love with someone else but seeing me hug Amanda is making him jealous?'

"Honey I'll get going now, take care and make sure you eat something," I said then pulled away.

She wiped her eyes.

"You should do your best at work, you too Rai" she waved as we walked out the door.

I walked with Rai close behind. It had been a couple of days since Rai introduced me to his fri—acquaintance. The DNA results came back and everything tested positive no surprise there.

A psychiatrist came to examine him, I thought he would have thrown a fit but he was very eager for the procedure,  she used hypnosis to try to assess the weight of the situation, Amanda and I were only allowed in the room because we were the closest to Hunter. The hypnosis actually worked for a brief moment he talked and behaved like Hunter but he according to the doctor started having a mental breakdown so she had to take him out of it.

Impassioned PsychopathOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora