Chapter 2: Pinefall Island

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☠︎Rai's POV ☠︎︎

"Rai breakfast is ready" Skylar called.

"Uh good morning, thank you for the breakfast," I said then sat down and started eating.

She was staring at me with a smile.

"Why are you staring at me, aren't you eating," I asked.

She took a sip of her coffee.

"You seem excited today, you are gulping down everything" she pointed out.

"Oh, I have to get to work early today, there is a lot of work to do today" I answered.

"I hope you are not stressing yourself too much. I'd feel worried if you overworked yourself" she blurted out.

I almost choked on my food.

'She looks extra beautiful today, I just noticed'

I slowly cleared my throat.

"You don't have to worry, I'm taking care of my health. Uh sky why are dressed up like that, are you going to the hospital" I asked.

Her face became gloomy.

"No, I have a meeting on the mainland, I might be back late tonight" she replied.

"S-should I go with you, who are you going to meet?" I asked.

"Just a friend, I'm going to see where my transfer will be processed" she quickly replied.

"Oh okay," I said continuing to eat.

'Who is she really going to meet'

'Why does she look so sad if it's just her friend'

'I want to go along too, but she will be upset if I force the matter'

"Have you been sleeping well these days" she suddenly asked.

"Yes, I get nightmares from time to time but aside from that I sleep well" I answered.

"The same dreams from before? What if they are fragments of your memory, should we set up an appointm—"

I slammed my hand on the table.

"Uh, i-i-im sorry I didn't mean to do that. I'm done eating so I'll head out" I said then stood up.

"Rai, wait" she called.

She held my hand.

"Is there a reason you don't want to visit a therapist"

"The things I see in my dreams are very scary, if they are indeed my memories then that means I lived a miserable life if that's the case I prefer not remembering anything for the rest of my life " I replied.

"If that's your decision, I won't force you, have a good day and work, and don't stay in the sun too long, your burns might start to hurt" she advised.

She let go of my hand.

I smiled at her.

"Thank you, Doctor," I said.

I grabbed my mask from the coffee table and put it on before going to work.

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