Chapter 10: Off To Work

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Zack's POV

I sat on the bed staring at Hunter who was fast asleep. After Brian and I finished talking, he was only filling me in on other details like who else knew about Hunter and how Hunter was treated by the people on the island.

When I got back, I found him patiently waiting for me as I told him too, we didn't talk much, I tried to bring up conversations but he kept giving one-word answers, He did ask me to tell him more about his life as Hunter and asked to see a photo. I was scared to tell him about his life because Brian filled me in on what happened when he first saw him again so I just showed him pictures of himself.

He was smitten by the photos I showed him, but he refused to believe that, that's what he actually looked like, he said there was no way a monster like him would have looked like a prince. He fell asleep shortly after.

I tried to sleep but I ended up waking up at 3 in the morning, I was so scared when I woke up because I thought everything ended up being only a dream.

'Who is the motherfucker who wanted to separate us'

'I swear if I ever find out who the man was who tried to strangle you, I'm going to rip his balls out'

'Because of that, you have horrible burn marks'

'I am glad we finally reunited'

"You have no idea how bad my life was without you, it's annoying that I can't even scream at you for that because you totally forgot everything about me and what happened" I commented.

I stood up and then stretched my arms. I grabbed my toiletries and made my way out of the bedroom. When I got into the living room I stumbled into the Doctor.

She run her eyes up and down my body with wide eyes, she then looked away and cleared her throat. It got hot at night so I had removed my shirt and remained with only my sweatpants.

"Good morning Doctor"I greeted leaning on the door.

" Good morning, How did you sleep," she asked looking at anything but me.

"Just fine, thank you for asking. It's only 5 Am why are you already up" I asked.

She scratched her head.

"Amanda woke me up early because she wants to make Rai breakfast. She doesn't know her way around our kitchen that's why she woke me up What about you" she inquired.

"Oh, I usually wake up earlier than this to work out before work but for now I'm only going to freshen up" I answered.

"Oh the bathroom is outside to the left" she explained.

" Doctor -"

"Please just call me Skylar, drop the formalities"

"Sky, I heard from Brian that when he first met Hunter here, Hunter had remembered something but when he woke up after he passed out, he forgot everything," I asked.

"Yes, that's right" she acknowledged.

"Since Amanda and I got here, nothing like that has happened, would possibly know why"

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