Chapter 18: MOM

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Amanda's POV

"You saw your mother? what happened next" Mandie asked taking a sip of her tea.

"she ended up giving me her number and asked that I should meet her whenever I can.  She tried talking to me more but I panicked and quickly told the driver to drive away" I explained.

"Are you going to do it?" she asked.

I stared down at the cup in my hands.

"I don't know, I'm scared. It hurt a lot when they blindly believed what a text said over me. They pressed charges against me for the murder of my little sister, I just —" I cut myself off biting my lower lip.

Mandie placed a hand over mine.

"At least hear out what she has to say, it's been four years don't you think you deserve closure? You don't know what tomorrow might bring" she advised.

I sighed and then smiled.

"Motherhood sure made you wise. I feel embarrassed calling you just Mandie. Should I start calling you Aunty—" I replied.

"Shut up," she remarked.

We both chuckled.

"But honestly I don't think I'm brave enough to face my family again, I—"

My phone began ringing. I took it out and looked at the caller ID.

'Zack's calling. Did something happen to Hunter'

I picked up the call.

"Hello," I answered.

"My love, why does your voice sound so low" I heard Hunter's voice.

My eyes widened and my heartbeat tripped. Mandie was giving me a questioning look.

"Uh, Rai" I called.

There was a brief silence at the other end of the call.

"Why, are you calling me by another man's name," he asked.

'What the, is he in a trance again? Where's is Zack'

I looked at Mandie, then composed myself.

"Uh it's work-related, I'll just take it outside" I replied.

She nodded. I stood up and then started walking to the back door.

"Amanda " He called.

"Yes, I'm still here" I replied as I reached the back door.

"I asked you a question" he reminded.

"Uh I'm sorry, I mistook you for someone else. Uh by the way where are you right now and is Zack around" I asked.

I walked into the garden.

"I called you but why are you asking about Zack, don't you want to talk to me," He asked.

"Of course, I do" I quickly screamed.

"I'm just worried that's all" I added.

"Zack is right here next to me but for some apparent reason, my girlfriend is not—where are you vixen," He asked in a cold, calm voice.

I chuckled as a few tears escaped my eyes.

"I missed you so much my love, I wish I could hug you right now" I replied.

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