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Hey guys so the book is almost over, we just officially entered the last few chapters. Honestly, I feel more sad than excited,I'll miss writing about my babies a lot😢 but alas I'm sure we're all starting to get bored of the, drama and heart aches.

The story was getting too long for comfort but there's still a lot to tell so after I complete the book, I'll add filler chapters and or bonus chapters sometime in the future.

But before the final chapter(s) is published I wanted to do a little Q&A, our last Q&A.

Both book one and two will be under major editing so the Q&A will be a bit long. I'm sorry😅🙏 I just want to know areas I can polish up as I edit. As per usual this is voluntary, you can choose to answer or not.

1. What were your overall impressions of the book? Did it meet your expectations?

2. Which characters did you find most engaging or relatable? Why?

3. Is there anything you wished or wanted to see or read more about in the story but never did?  What do you wish you saw less on?

4. Did the plot and storyline keep you engaged throughout the book? Were there any parts that felt slow or confusing?

5. What is your favorite arc or chapter (in book 1, 2, or both)

6. Were there any elements of the book that you found particularly well-developed or lacking in depth?

7what do you like about the story,? what do you hate about the story? Were there any specific scenes or moments that stood out to you? Why?

8. Were there any aspects of the book that you found particularly memorable or impactful?

9. I know we haven't seen much of Skylar and Zack since they started dating but whose relationship dynamic between the two main couples(Hunter and Amanda, Zack and Skylar) do you like best?

10. Did you find the themes and messages of the book meaningful or thought-provoking? If so, which ones resonated with you?

11. Did the book evoke any specific emotions or reactions in you? If so, what were they?

12. What did you find most engaging/interesting about the story?

13. Did you find the plot easy to follow or were there any confusing elements?

14. How was the pacing - did the story drag at any points? Move too quickly?

15. Is there anything you would like to see explored more deeply in the story?

16. What one word would you use to describe your reading experience?

17. Would you recommend this book to others? If so, who do you think would enjoy it?

18. So I remember someone telling me that they applied the lessons they learned from this book and applied them to their personal lives, I got concerned more like curious😅. Were there really any actual lessons or topics talked about that can be helpful or applied in real life?

19. Did you find the dialogue between characters realistic and engaging? Did it help develop the characters and move the story forward?

20. hypothetically speaking if I were to begin a new book which romance genre sounds more interesting:dark romance( with themes similar to this book, mafia, obsession, blood violence, etc) or just a regular romance?

P.s I've been asked about the ending so many time.... I understand. you guys want to know if there will be a happy ending or not😄.

" if a story doesn't have a happy ending then its not really the end"

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