Chapter 6: Phone Call

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Zack's POV

"What, Brian has been missing for about a month now" I asked.

"Yes sir,he hasn't been answering any of our calls, none of his close friends know where he is" Lee explained.

I laid back in my chair. I ran a hand through my hair. The last time I talked to him he said he was investing some gang.

'What if they caught him'

'They haven't called for randsome though'

'What if they killed him'

'Hmm Brian is precise and doesn't make such mistakes so what could have happened to him'

"Uh what about his wife did you call her up —. He said he was investigating some gang. Search their HQ and kill anyone who tries to stand in your way" I ordered.

"Yes sir" he agreed.

I hang up the call then placed my phone on my office table. It had been a month already, mandie and her family went back right after the exhibition was over.

I sighed then  continued with work when my secretary walked in.

"Sir its already 1PM, you have a lunch meeting with Mrs flora" she reminded.

"Where is it" I asked.

"She said she wasn't feeling very well so she suggested her hotel suite" she explained.

"If she's sick why didn't she just postpone" I asked.

"Should I postpone sir" she asked.

'She wants to meet up in a hotel alone while her husband is away? Her intention is very clear,I thought as much when she kept making appointments at places which forced us to be alone'

'I could just refuse but then again, I haven't played around in bed with a woman for years now'

"Yes postpone it " I ordered.

"As you say sir" she agreed then walked out of the office.

'When was the last time I even jerked off,what if it can't stand anymore'

I stood up from my seat then made my way out of the office, the drive was short.

I had never felt nervous meeting with a woman in a hotel before but for some reason my heart was pounding against my chest.

I knocked a few times before she came to the door, she was dressed in a night gown. She seemed to be healthier than me. She was a 32 year old woman whose boobs seemed to bigger than her head.

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