Chapter 36: presents

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Zack's POV

"Something is happening with Amanda" Hunter commented.

"You noticed too," I asked.

"It's hard not to notice, she flinches when I try to get close, when I kiss her she always looks over her shoulder for some reason and although she speaks normally to me, she tries her best to not be in the same room as me alone. Do you think she got tired of me, does she have a lover" he asked taking a sip of his drink.

"Don't start overthinking, today is your birthday be happy and celebrate" I advised.

"How can I be happy when the woman I want to celebrate with is more concerned with talking to Brian than me-should I kill Brian-" he asked. I covered his mouth before he could continue.

"I can't believe how casually you are talking about killing people when we are surrounded by the press. What If someone is listening in" I asked.

He removed my hand from his face.

"Like I give a dam. You two have gotten closer while I was gone do you know anything? Give me the specifics of the dead body I should present to her. No matter what I do she doesn't want to open up to me" he pressed the issue.

I laughed.

"I don't think she is cheating, you were almost killed remember, that's bound to make anyone paranoid" I defended.

"Then why aren't you"

"Who says I'm not, It just doesn't show but when you leave my sight for a moment I start to panic. I'm very scared that one day I'll open my eyes and realize it was all a dream that's why I'm trying to enjoy all this whole thing while I can" I confessed.

"How depressing" He replied.

Skylar walked to our table and took a seat next to me.

"How's the party going so far," I asked Hunter trying to change the topic.

"I've been smiling so much my face might get paralyzed and I've been repeating the same lie about what happened to me over and over I'm starting to believe it's true" he joked.

Skylar chuckled.

"The pain of being the center of attention By the way Mandie told me what happened-her son seriously called you dad," I asked bursting out in laughter.

"Shut it"Hunter commented slapping my hand away from his shoulder.

"Oh, I think it's kind of cute. You should feel flattered, he must have been smitten with your handsome face "Skylar commented.

" there's nothing to be flattered by. The little brat was touching someone he shouldn't have"Hunter commented.

"You seriously really got jealous of someone who just said his first word," Skylar asked.

"Mr Craver a minute please" Some journalist called.

"Here we go again, I'll be back," Hunter said then stood up from our table.

Skylar sighed.

"I still can't believe how much Rai has changed" Skylar stated staring at Hunter's retreating figure.

"Is it hard interacting with him?" I asked.

"Kind of, I do try my best to treat him as I always have but it feels so awkward and scary. You didn't tell me Hunter was the exact opposite of Rai" She complained.

I intertwined our hands and put them under the table.

"You at least do try interacting with him instead of avoiding him completely. He's still kinda your Rai, you just need to spend more time together. How about going on a date with him" I asked.

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