Barber of Seville

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On the next morning Defne woke up first. She looked at her Ömer for a little bit, admiring him and then carefully got up from bed and went in the kitchen to start breakfast. She first wondered what to prepare, since the eggs were sometimes boring, and after a little more thinking, she knew what she was going to prepare.

She remembered that some days ago she and Ömer were shopping at the supermarket, and one of the things they got was baking cocoa powder, for sweets, which she could make a chocolate cream with for Ömer and herself. She took whatever she needed and started preparing it.

When there were around fifteen minutes left until it was ready, Ömer appeared in the kitchen, looking extremely fresh.

"Mmm... Smells really good!" he exclaimed, hugging his wife from the back

"It is ready in a bit." Defne replied

While Defne was stirring the cream, Emine's cry was heard from her baby phone.

"I will go check on her." Defne said

"Could you, please, stir it for a while?" she asked her husband

"Sure." Ömer answered

He then took the spatula and kept stirring the cream.

While Defne was upstairs, checking on their daughter, Ömer took a spoon, quickly looked around, grabbed a little bit from the cream and ate out of it. But, unfortunately, a drop of it remained right at the corner of his upper lip, without him noticing it. And just then Defne returned downstairs with Emine in her arms and saw him.

"What are you doing?" she asked him

"I just tasted it." Ömer answered "I just wanted to make sure it was good. It is very good!"

"Let me also try it..." Defne replied

But, instead of grabbing some with the spoon, she went closer to Ömer, lifted herself up on her tiptoes and licked his upper lip, right were the drop of chocolate was.

"Mmm, yes, it is really good!" she exclaimed

Ömer was a little surprised. His Defne had never done something like this before. The shy and less confident Defne was showing less and less lately and Ömer definitely liked that. He loved this confidence in his wife. It definitely suit her.

Then he asked "Shall I switch it off?"

"Yes." she answered, putting Emine in her baby swing

Ömer switched the stove off and Defne took out two bowls and poured chocolate cream in them. After that they sat at the table to have breakfast.

A little later they got dressed and went to work, leaving Emine with Zehra.

A little later, at work, while working on his computer, Ömer came across an advertisement that said "Barber of Seville, Tonight, 21:00h.". He looked at it and smiled at his thoughts. He was looking for something to surprise his wife with, and he finally found. He then quickly called and, fortunately, there were some more tickets left.

The previous time when they were going to see "Barber of Seville", they ended up having a picnic on the roof of one of the tallest buildings in Istanbul, instead. This time he was certainly going to take her to that opera. But he was going to keep it a secret and not tell Defne until the very last second. He knew his dear wife loved surprises, so he was definitely going to surprise her.

At around half past 3 o'clock in the afternoon, İplikçi returned home. Ömer had freed Şükrü for the rest of the day, and Ömer was behind the steering wheel.

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