Mr. & Mrs. İplikçi

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The days were passing quickly and the future İplikçi family was preparing for the big day when they were finally going to become husband and wife.

Defne was supposed to go and choose a wedding dress, but after some thinking, she thought that it would have been better if she again put the old dress. Yes, that dress kept bad memories from the ruined marriage, but Defne decided that she wanted to change this and wanted the dress to keep the good memories from the upcoming wedding. She, anyway, had liked that dress a lot and did not want to throw it away. Her belly was still flat, so she could put it on again. The shoes, too, were going to be the old ones, that were designed by Ömer himself. Only, after the ceremony, she would change into ballerina type of shoes, with no high heels, since she was pregnant and her legs would probably start to hurt in the high heels.

In the afternoon, Defne and Ömer had an appointment with Doctor Sema. This time they were going to learn if they were going to be parents to a boy or a girl. The young couple entered the cabinet. Defne lay on the couch and Doctor Sema began to examine her. She moved the ultrasound until she could see baby's gender onto the screen.

"Looks like you are going to be parents to a wonderful girl! Congratulations!" Doctor Sema said

Defne was looking at the screen, where her tiny girl was showing, and blurted out "Emine..."

Ömer looked at her, confused, and exclaimed "What?!"

She looked him in the eyes and replied "I think out daughter's name should be Emine. I just feel it. Let her carry the name of your mother. She deserves to have a granddaughter named after her."

"Only if you do not mind, of course." Defne added

"Of course I do not mind it." Ömer replied back "Besides, I have always dreamed of naming my daughter Emine."

"So, we agree on this name?" she asked

"Yes!" he answered

After the appointment, Defne and Ömer went home.

Throughout the entire trip to home, Ömer could not stop imagining a small, little girl with a red hair and black eyes running around the house and the garden with her tiny feet, and bringing happiness in the house and family. He imagined a tiny copy of his beloved Defne - beautiful on both inside and outside, with a huge and pure heart, and a charming smile. Ömer was smiling at his thoughts. Defne was not saying anything. She was just watching him and smiling at him. How handsome he was when he was smiling! Or talking. Or even just breathing. This man has always been so handsome. Defne was looking at him and admiring him the way that only she could.

At dinner, the future family İplikçi were talking about their wedding and the plans they had for it.

"So, did you manage to choose a dress today?" Ömer asked Defne

"Yes, I did." Defne answered

"That is very good!" he replied "I cannot wait to see you in it!"

Defne smiled.

"I, actually, had chosen my dress a long time ago." she said "And you have already seen it, in fact."

"How so?" he exclaimed

"I decided that I shall not buy a new dress. I am thinking of wearing the old one. along with the shoes that you had created for me." she replied

Ömer was confused.

"Are you sure you want to wear it?" he asked

"Yes, I am a hundred percent sure." she answered "I remember how much I liked this dress when I saw it. I am not going to let bad memories overpower. I want this dress to remind me only of the good memories that we are going to create at our wedding now."

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