First Wedding Anniversary

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After the first month with a baby at home passed, Ömer İplikçi returned to work, ready to meet with new tasks and challenges for a company boss like him. The staff of Passionis and Still Vagonu welcomed the beloved boss back, congratulating him for his newborn daughter, and wishing health and happiness for him, Defne and Emine.

First day back to work was not so busy, but also not so calm as well. It was almost as most of the normal days of the shoe company - signing important documents, scheduling business meetings and so on. Well, there actually were a few changes. More accurately - one. Once every hour the caring Ömer İplikçi was calling his wife, in order to check on her and their daughter. He smiled every time that she replied "We are doing very good and everything is alright." Plus, the voice of his Defne always made his day even better, making him a little bit more impatient to return home to his two most beautiful girls.

Around 4 o'clock in the afternoon, after he was done with his duties, Ömer returned home. Hearing the door open, Defne stood up, with Emine in her arms, and went in the hallway to welcome her husband. Emine was awake and watched the view in front of herself.

"Kızım, look who has come home!" Defne exclaimed to her daughter "It is daddy!"

Ömer smiled, went to his girls and asked "What are my precious women doing?"

"We were waiting for you to come home." Defne replied

"What have you been doing all day long without me?" he asked

"We ate, we slept, changed a few diapers..." Defne answered "We were missing you."

Ömer smiled and kissed his wife's forehead. Then he took his daughter in his arms, gently kissed her tiny cheeks and hugged her. Then the three of them walked further into the house.

"Let me take her and you go and change yourself." Defne said to her husband

"It is okay, my love." he replied "I will go in a bit."

Ömer bonded with his daughter for a while and then went upstairs to remove the suit from himself and put on some more comfortable clothes.

The little Emine was a little stubborn and did not want to sleep at all yet, so, after she was fed, her mother put her in her baby swing and carried it into the kitchen where the young parents cooked dinner, while looking after their daughter at the same time.

The month of November went by really quickly and soon the Earth was going to complete its route around the Sun. This year İplikçi has decided to welcome the new year at the coziness of their own home, just the three of them.

On the New Year's Eve Defne and Ömer had dinner, hugged each other and were enjoying each other's company. As the clock stroke midnight, fireworks began exploding in the night sky, expressing people's happiness about the new year's arrival.

Instead of opening a bottle of champagne and pouring some of it in glasses, the moment the clock showed 00:00 o'clock, Ömer grabbed his wife and kissed her on the sweet and soft lips of hers. After his lips parted from hers, Ömer looked at Defne's eyes and said "Happy new year, sevgilim! May we welcome together as many new years as possible!"

"Happy new year!" Defne replied "To many more new years!"

"And let them be at least as adventurous as 2017 was!" she added

Ömer smiled and kissed her cheek. At that moment a sound was heard from Emine's baby phone. The young parents looked at it.

"Looks like someone is awakening." Ömer said

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