And Then They Were Three

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Middle of September. Autumn had already officially been in charge. Defne and Ömer were at one of Defne's last appointments with doctor Sema, before the due date.

After examining Defne, doctor Sema said "Evet! Everything is alright, the baby is healthy and so are you, which I congratulate you about."

"Thank you, doctor Sema!" Defne replied "I am always trying to do my best. Also, my husband is taking very good care of us."

"That is right." Ömer confirmed "I am not even letting a single hair fall from her head."

"This is great to hear." the doctor replied "Now, Defne, we should discuss your birthing. I need you to tell me if you are going to give birth naturally or via C-section? If you have made your choice, of course."

"Yes, I have made my choice." Defne answered "I want to give birth naturally."

"That is great, I completely support your decision." doctor Sema replied

Defne smiled at her.

"May I ask something else, please?" Defne asked her doctor

"Of course you can." the doctor answered "Ask about anything you need to know."

"Since I know that some hospitals do not allow men into the delivery room, I want to ask if I will be able to have my husband Ömer by my side, when I am giving birth." Defne said

"Do not worry, your husband will have every right to be in the room with you." doctor Sema answered Defne's question "The hospital, where I work, allows that."

"Thank you so much!" Defne replied with a smile

After the check up, the soon-to-be parents went at home. Defne was already on her maternity leave and Ömer took some weeks off work, so that he could be there for his wife if something happens. He would go to the company, only if it was really urgent.

During these several weeks that were left, Defne was a little emotional, since these were her last days with the belly and she was soon going to meet and hug her first-born daughter. Ömer spent the time pampering his wife in the best ways possible - cooking her favourite meals, taking care of her, kissing and hugging her, and so on.

*Some Weeks Later*

It was a slightly cooler afternoon. Ömer was driving to the hospital as fast as he could. The reason for this were the contractions that Defne had a little bit after lunch. Although she was due to the following week, little Emine İplikçi decided that she wanted to meet her parents a little earlier than supposed.

The young parents arrived at the hospital and once Defne was prepared to deliver, she entered the delivery room, followed by her husband who was there to hold her hand and support her.

Before beginning to push, Ömer whispered to Defne "You can do this! You are strong! I believe in you!"

Defne smiled with a slight smile and replied "Seni seviyorum."

"Tamam, Defne Hanım, hazır mısınız?" the midwife asked

Defne nodded her head and the midwife said "Okay. One... Two... Three... Push!"

The next moment Defne began to push. Ömer was standing there, next to her, holding her hand, wishing at least half of the pain, his wife was experiencing, could have been transferred to him.

Once Emine İplikçi Junior was born and her cry touched her parents' ears, the faces of the new parents lit up with the biggest and purest happiness.

"And here is the beautiful girl!" the midwife said

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