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Elijah's pov:

The next morning, I went over to pick up Liam to give Fiona a break. When I get there, I see Fiona and Lip were about to take off.

"Where are you two heading off to?" I asked them, as I take Liam into my arms.

"This idiot wants to drop out of school," Fiona started off,

"To which I reminded her that the both of you dropped out of school and you both are doing fine," Lip added.

"But he said that he'll go back to school, if I got my diploma," Fiona added on.

"It's about time you got your diploma. That way there's more jobs to have and be more stable," I tell her.

"Are you going to tell him something?" She asked, pointing towards Lip.

"Lip is acting like a grown man, when he really isn't. If he wants to be an idiot and ignore how hard it was for the both of us to put on the table for them, then it's on him. No matter what, he's not a little kid. If he wants to drop out, then let him. We did everything that we could to teach him right from wrong, let him screw up by himself," I tell him.

"See, he gets it," Lip says.

"All I got to say to you is good luck getting a job without a high school diploma. You're a smart ass and your idea that everyone is beneath you because of how smart you are, it's gonna get you fired," I tell my brother.

"So, you agree that he needs to go back to school?" Fiona asked.

"I agree that he needs to go school and get a college degree and not be another statistic of this neighborhood. But here's thing, he has to want it. You and I can't force him to get something that he doesn't want to get at the moment. Plus, didn't we say that we weren't butting in when it comes to helping him," I tell her.

Both of them remained quiet.

"I get where you both are coming from. Fiona, you want him to get a better education for him to give a good example for his kid. Lip, you want to provide for your kid and be a better father than Frank was to us, which I am able to understand better than you know since in have my own kid. But both of you have to understand that you can't force the other to think the way that you want to think," I tell them, before leaving.


Later on in the day, Ian came in panicked.

"Dude, we have kids in this house," I reminded him.

"Frank caught me and Mickey and now Mickey wants him dead," Ian said.

"First off, of all the dudes to hook up with, why Mickey Milkovich?" Lupe asked.

"Second off, he wouldn't be the first one to want Frank to be dead," I said.

"I don't want him to go to juvie again," Ian said.

"You can't always protect him, it's not your job to do so. Especially when he doesn't want you to," I tell him.

"I care about him," Ian muttered.

"I get that, but the fact of the matter is that the both of you are not good for each other. Especially when someone that isn't ready or doesn't plan to come out an anytime soon," I tell him, before he takes off.

Fiona's twin BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now