Nana Gallagher Had An Affair

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Elijah's POV;

The next morning, I went to the house early in the morning to bring Carl his permission ship and money for his field trip and take all the remaining kids to school, if they want need or want a ride.

"Lip, can you call Elijah?" I hear Carl ask Lip from the kitchen.

"What is it that I can help with, Carl?" Monica asked him.

"He has my permission slip for the aquarium," Carl answered.

"I'm right here. Here is your permission and the $10 for the admission fee. There's some extra money for food and to buy something from the store. Don't do something that you'd normally do at school at your field trip because you don't need to be banned from any more places and don't spend all your money on one thing," I tell my little brother.

"Thank you," Carl said, excitedly, before taking off.

"Debbie, what are you doing?" Monica asked my little sister.

"Making posters for my re-election," Debbie answered.

"Do that after school. You're already running late as it is," I tell her.

Debbie got her stuff for school and she left, after I gave her money for lunch.

"I need $40," Lip announced.

"What do you need $40 for?"  Bob asked.

"I need a calculus textbook," Lip answered.

"Here, some money for lunch and a textbook. Ian, I'll give your money in the car. With that being said, here are my keys and wait for me in the car. I'll take you to school," I tell my brothers before they went in the car.

"I thought you and the other one said you weren't helping us. Plus, you don't need to be giving them money," Bob said.

"I'm not helping you or Monica, the both of you can go to hell for all I care. But let me make this straight, you are not my mom or dad to be telling anything," I tell Bob before I take Liam off her lap.

"Liam can stay here/You don't take him anywhere!" Both Bob and Monica yelled.

"First of all, don't ever yell in front of Liam. He's still a baby. Second of all, I'll take him if I want to take him. I'm not letting two complete strangers, one of them being his untrustworthy and bipolar mother, to take care of him. Fiona was being lenient when she left him here, considering that she was in shock and angry that you popped up out of here with this stupid idea of of you raising Liam, but I'm not," I said before leaving.


"Does your mom still want to take Liam with her and girlfriend?" Guadalupe asked me.

We were at my house, sitting down on the couch. Liam is, currently, taking a nap. We've been playing, ever since I brought him back to my house and he tired himself out.

"Yes. She even wants to do a DNA test to prove that he's not Frank's son," I answered.

"I know that this might be a stupid question, but is this the reason why you don't talk about your mom?" Guadalupe asked me.

"Pretty much," I answered.

"When was the last time you talked to your mom?" Guadalupe asked me.

"Honestly, I don't remember. After I got sober and before I joined the army," I tell her.

"I wish there is something we can do for you and Fiona to get custody of your younger siblings," Guadalupe tells me.

"Same here," I said.


A few days later, Lip and Ian called me to their house to get my opinion on something that they want to do. When I pulled up, both of them rushed to get into my car.

"What's going on?" I asked them.

"We think with Monica and Bob wanting to do a DNA test on Liam, might as well do one on ourselves to see if either one of us are actually a Frank's sons," Lip answered.

"If you want to do all that, why are you asking me?" I asked them.

"Wanted to know what you thought," Ian said.

"You don't need to my opinion or permission to figure out if you're actually related to Frank. I say 'congratulations' if you're not actually related to him," I tell my brothers.

"Well, that's good to hear because we got tested and we get the results tonight," Lip tells me.

"All I got to say about this is lucky you if you're not Frank's son," I tell them.

Soon enough, Monica came out running to my car. Lip and Ian got out of the car the moment that they saw her. As soon as Lip came out of the passenger seat, Monica sat down. Quickly soon after, Ian tapped on my window and  I rolled my my window.

"Are you going to be okay?" Ian asked me.

"I'm going to be okay. Now go inside," I tell my little brother.

"What do you want, Monica?" I asked my estranged mother.

"We haven't had a chance to talk, since I came back," Monica started off.

"Monica, you took off and you left your seven kids with your crazy and alcoholic husband," I tell her.

"I would have died if I had stayed," Monica said, trying to excuse on why she left.

"So, you left the kids that you claim to love with him, not caring what happened to us?" I asked, angrily.

"I knew that they would be fine with you and Fiona," Monica said, with tears in her eyes.

"They would always be okay because me and Fiona stepped up and became their mom and dad, after their mom took off without any warning or explanations and their dad would go on benders and would disappear for days at a time. But who was supposed to take care of me and Fiona when we were their age?" I asked her and she did't answer.

"And I'm sorry that I wasn't here for either one of you, but I'm better now. I'm able to take care of Liam," She tells me and soon enough, Bob came out.

Monica came out of the car and went with Bob.

"First of all, you don't apologize to me because I'm never going to forgive you for not being here. Especially, when you and Frank are the reason that I was an addict and the reason that I almost died. Second of all, with your history of taking off on your family, there's no way in hell that I'm letting Liam go with you and then him being raised by a complete stranger that has no relation to him," I tell them, which made Monica cry.

"No, you don't get to cry. Not when you and Frank are apart of the reason that your kids are so fucked up," I tell her before taking off.


It was a finally the day that Monica and Bob are finally leaving, but the question is whether or not they were taking Liam with them. We are all standing in front of Fiona's house, waiting on what Monica is going to do. Monica sees us, then kisses Liam on the head and she gave him to Fiona, before she took off with Bob.

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