Summer Loving

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I went over to see my family at their house to babysit. When I arrived, I saw three of my youngest siblings and Ethel sitting on the front porch and Fiona coming out of their house. I hear Debbie trying to convince Fiona to have her own room, especially with Frank not being at their house in a few months,

"Debbie, there's no room in the boys' room for Liam and Frank eventually will come back, considering that Sheila is going out and would eventually throw his ass out eventually," I tell her before I took away the hairspray and lighter away from Carl.

"Why does Frank have his own room when he doesn't live here all the time?" Carl asked.

"Because Frank always comes here every now and then. When he finds someone on his bed, when he does come over, he tends to get a little more aggressive than he usually is," I tell Carl.

"Can Liam stay with you?" Debbie asked me.

"No, he can't," I answered.

"Why not?" She asked.

"Because he's fine here and I just moved to a new house. For the moment, it's not safe for Liam to be at my house," I tell Debbie.

"It's just not fair that I have my own room," Debbie complained.

"When you get a little older, me and Fiona will talk about having your own room. But for the moment, you have to share your room with Liam," I tell him.


When Ian came home, I went to pick up Guadalupe at her parents. On our way home, we see Lip walking home. I pulled up in his direction and honked, which made him see us in our car.

"What the hell are you coming from at this time of night?" I asked Lip.

"I was at Karen's house," Lip answers.

"Aren't you two broken up, after that whole thing with Frank happened?" Guadalupe asked him.

"And doesn't she have a boyfriend, by that group that she's in?" I asked.

"She does and we're hooking up," Lip answered

"Dude, she's your kryptonite," I tell him.

"How's she my kryptonite?" Lip asked me.

"Because no one in their right mind would go back to their ex, even if it is a hook-up, after posting a video of having sex with their parent," I tell him.

"She only did it because she was angry with her dad," Lip tells me, trying to excuse what Karen did.

"And of all the guys in this neighborhood, she decided to do it with Frank," I tell him.

"I don't give you crap about your relationship, so don't give me crap about mine," Lip tells me, angrily.

Out of anger, I gave him a punch and he fell on the floor.

"Just because your relationship, if you want to call it that, is all fucked up because the both of you are so fucked up, don't talk about my relationship. Now, get in the car, so that I can take you home," I tell him.

"I don't need your help. I can walk home," Lip tells me before he starts walking away.

"Be like that, then. But, don't be surprised when she screws you over like the naive little kid that you are," I tell him before getting in my car and driving away.

"You okay?" Guadalupe asked me.

"I'm fine. If he wants to be blinded by Karen, then I'll let him. He acts like he's smarter than everyone around him, but there are certain things that he's willing to turn a blind eye to and it's for the wrong reasons," I answered.


The next morning, Fiona calls me.

"Two things. One, don't punch Lip, the next time you get angry with him. Second, Frank rented my room out to a pregnant woman," Fiona tells me, over the phone.

"Lip knows well enough to not push certain buttons that he knows that will get me angry. Did you try to get some money that Frank is getting from the woman?" I asked her.

"He spent most of it," Fiona tells me.

"I know I shouldn't tell you this, but expect something to happen, if Frank is renting his room for money," I tell her. 

"I have to go. Talk to Lip," Fiona tells me.


After getting some work done, I went to the park where I knew that Kevin and Lip were with the ice cream truck.

"Hey Elijah," Kevin greeted.

"Hey Kev," I greeted back.

"What are you doing here?" Lip asked me.

"Fiona asked me to talk to you," I answered.

"There's nothing to talk about," Lip says.

"Tell Fiona that," I tell him.

"So, what's the real reason that you're here?" Lip asked me, a little angry.

"Listen jackass, no need to be angry. All I said to you is that it doesn't make sense why you went back to Karen Jackson, who slept with your father to get some type of revenge against her. What I don't understand is how it is so easy for you to call people out on their bullshit, but you can't stand it when somebody does it to you," I tell him before I walk away.

"You can't control who's in life," Lip tells me,

"if you're not going to listen to the people who care about you, then get burned by that girl that you care for," I tell him.

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