Daddyz Girl

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Elijah's POV:

I was having a day off and Guadalupe was with her family, out of town for vacation and is returning tomorrow. I was having a relaxed morning, until Ian and  Lip came to my house.

"Why are you two bothering me on my day off, when you two know I don't like to be bothered?" I asked them.

"We're going to see Grammy," Lip said.

"Why?" I asked.

"We want to see who Ian's dad is," Lip answered.

"He wants to see who is my real father is," Ian clarified.

"Lip, if Ian doesn't want to know who his real father is, then don't force him to be in this situation," I tell him.

"I was just thinking that maybe we can get some money from Ian's real father," Lip tells me.

"All Gallaghers are the same. Complicated in every way posible," I tell him.

"If that's true, what does it say about you?" Ian tells me.

"Still complicated, I just have a stable job and healthy relationship," I answered.

"It doesn't mean the same thing," Lip said.

"I'm a recovering drug addict and alcoholic. Our father was abusive towards me, until I was able to fight back and was able to protect all of us. Our mother never came back, unless it is convenient to her.  Our parents are the reason that I became a drug addict and an alcoholic and the reason on why I almost died is because they would often pawn me off to get drugs. Fiona and I were able to protect all of you from mostly all of it and thankfully you all were young enough to not remember. But that doesn't mean that my life was any less complicated than your life," I tell my brothers.

"So, are you saying that we have no right to complain because we didn't have a bad life like you did?" Lip asked.

"I'm not saying that you have a better than I did because you're life is going to be complicated. I'm just saying that the difference between me and you is that you have a support system that me and Fiona lacked growing up," I tell him.

"So, you're not coming with us?" Lip asked me.

"No. I'm not going with you guys to see our grandmother," I said and they took off.


Later on that night when I was going to my family's house, I was stopped by Tony.

"What happened, Tony?" I asked the cop in front.

"Something is off with Steve," Tony answered.

"Are you saying that because you want to be with Fiona or is there something actually off with Steve?" I asked.

"Don't get me wrong, I want to be with Fiona. But, I think that there is actually off with Steve. I think Steve is stealing cars," Tony tells me.

"First, you need to find prove that Steve is actually stealing cars. Secondly, even if you actually find proof that Steve is stealing cars, Fiona is not going to look at you the same way that you want her to look at you," I tell him.

"That may be true, but it won't hurt to try," Tony tells me before taking off.

Soon enough, Steve arrived.

"Tony and I were just talking about you," I told Steve.

"About what?" Steve asked me.

"He thinks that you're up to something more suspicious than you already are," I told him.

"And you believe him?" Steve asked me.

"I mean, you are keeping a big secret from Fiona about this whole other family. It wouldn't surprise me that you are hiding something," I tell him.

"She knows about what I do," Steve tells me.

"So, she knows what you do, but not the double life that you're living?" I asked him.

"I'll tell her soon," Steve tells me.

"When do you plan on telling her? When Tony actually finds something on you or when Debbie breaks and tells her what we found out?" I asked.

"Tony's not gonna do anything and I'll tell her before Debbie tells her," Steve tells me.

"Listen, FIona is happy and I am all for her being happy. But one thing for sure is, I don't want her happiness be destroyed by this big ass lie that you are keeping fom her." I tell her before walking inside. 


The next day, after work,  I went to pick up Guadalupe from her family's house and we came over to my house.

"What happened, while I was gone?" Guadalupe asked me.

"Tony is trying to find some dirt on Steve and Lip is looking for Ian's dad, but Ian doesn't want to know him," I answered

"Why does Lip want to know who Ian's dad is?" She asked.

"Most likely just jealousy that Ian isn't Frank's son and he is," I answered.

"And Tony?" She asked.

"He wants to be with Fiona but knows she won't give him a chance with Steve in the picture. Litte does he know that the relationship is already hanging by a thread with the whole other secret that Debbie and us know about him," I answer.

"I'm surprised that Debbie hasn't told her," Guadalupe said.

"Me too, but I have a feeling that Steve has been bribing her to keep the secret for as long as possiple," I tell her.

Soon enough, my phone rings and I see that it's Fiona calling me.

"Fiona, what's wrong?" I asked my sister.

"Lip and Ian were arrested," Fiona asked me.

"What do you mean Lip and Ian were arrested? What did they do?" I asked her.

"I just got the call, I'm on my way to the police station right now. Can you pick up Debbie and Carl and stay with them at the house?" Fiona asked me.

"Yes, I'll do that. Let me know what's going on when you get to the police station or if you need any help when you're over there," I tell my my sister before hanging up.

"What's going on?" Guadalupe asked me.

"My brothers got arrested and Fiona wants me to pick up Debbie and Carl from their school dance and be at the house," I answered, as I got my car keys and got ready to go.

"Well, I'm coming with you," Guadalupe tells me as we both left my house and picked up my younger siblings from their school.

What the hell did my brothers get up to?

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