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After a long day at school and at work, Fiona called me and told me to meet her at the Alibi because Frank put the kids in debt with the credit cards that he opened.

"Damn it, Frank," I muttered.

"What happened this time with your dad?" Guadalupe asked me.

"My little brothers and Debbie are now in debt because of him. She wants me to meet her at the Alibi to ask him about it," I answered.

"How you and your siblings are semi normal amazes me everyday, now that I have met your dad and seen how he is," Guadalupe tells me.

"Thank god you haven't met my mom, then. She's a lot worse than Frank," I tell her.

"Are we picking Fiona up or are we meeting up with her at the Alibi?" Guadalupe asked me.

"You don't have to come with me," I say as we both went up to my car.

"Babe, when we get married and have kids together, they're going to my family as well. Might as well get used to the craziness that's going on in your family," Guadalupe tells me.

"I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I'm glad that I have you in my life," I tell her before we kissed and got in the car and went to the Alibi.


Guadalupe and I met Fiona in front of the alibi. 

"Please tell me that whatever is in that bag is the only bills that there is?" I asked my sister.

"This one bag of many bills in our names. Surprisingly, I haven't found any in your name," she tells me.

"Still doesn't excuse putting you all in debt!" I yelled, as Guadeloupe rubs my back.

Soon, all three of us walked in the bar.

"Bills. From our creditors. You've been buying stuff using our names?" Fiona asked Frank.

"Never used either your names," Frank answered.

"Do you know how much debt your youngest kids are in now?" I asked him.

"Seventy five hundred. I couldn't get them to raise the limit," Frank answered.

"Plus interest," Fiona added on.

"It's the credit card company you should blame. I didn't cause the downfall of the American economy....." Frank said, starting to begin one of his rants, which I know is going to be offensive.

"Before you even start your rant about how the government screwed you over, which they didn't because you don't work a day in your life and your only source of income is the social security checks at the beginning of every month, never use one of their names ever again," I tell him.

"You three are liberals," Frank tells us.

"And you're a disgrace of a father," I tell him before the three of us left the alibi and went to my sister's house.


When we got to my sister's house, Veronica met up with us and we all went to the dining room/kitchen.

"What is this meeting tonight? You join Sex Addicts Anonymous?" Fiona asked Veronica.

"That's an actual thing?" I asked Guadalupe.

"Yes it is," Guadalupe answered.

"It's with a social worker. We're getting a foster kid," Veronica answered Fiona's question.

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