I'll Light a Candle For You Everyday

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Fiona asked me to borrow my car for a meet up, so when I arrived at my sister's house, so was Veronica.

"What are you doing here?" Veronica asked me.

"Fiona wanted me to borrow my car and to babysit Liam. What about you?" I asked.

"My mom needs help and I asking Fiona if she can help," Veronica answered.

"Fi, you home?" Veronica yelled out.

"Upstairs," Fiona yelled back.

"My mom needs help down at her salon tomorrow. You in?" Veronica asked.

"Sure," Fiona answered.

"Wow, middle-of-the-day makeup. What's the occasion?" Veronica asked.

"Craig Heisner texted me back," Fiona answered.

"Who?" Veronica asked.

"That guy from my high school diary. Asked if I wanted to have coffee," Fiona answered.

"Coffee coffee or banging coffee?" Veronica asked.

"He's married. I don't need somebody else's backwash," Fiona asked.

"You say that now," I say.

"So why you want to meet up with Craig Heisner, then?" Veronica asked.

"Connect with an old friend. Curious to see how he looks," Fiona answers.

"He thinks you're going to hook up," Veronica says.

"He can think whatever he wants. Doesn't mean it's gonna happen," Fiona says.

"Why would a married man be meeting up with his old flame?" Veronica asked.

"We were never old flames. He barely noticed me in high school," Fiona answered.

"If he barely noticed you in high school, then he wouldn't have texted you and asked to meet up. Especially if he's married," I tell her and Veronica agreed, before I went to check on Liam.


Later on that day, we all meet at the Sizzler because Fiona lost purse.

"How was meeting up with that guy? Did you hook up, yet?" I asked.

"He's married," Fiona says.

"Just because a guy is married, doesn't mean that will stop him from hooking up with people that they're not willing to hook up with someone that isn't their wife," Guadalupe pointed out.

"Nothing happened and because nothing happened, I was able to find this purse," Fiona tells us, showing us the purse that she found on the train station on her way back home.

"The more you say that nothing happened or will happen, only means that you want it happen, if it didn't already happened," I tell her.

"Nothing is going to happen," Fiona snapped.

"Whatever helps your denying mind help you sleep at night," I tell my sister.


The next couple of days, I've been busy with the transition from going to work to working from home and putting the finishing touches on the baby's room.

"Are you okay?"  Guadalupe asked me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just worried about Fiona," I answered.

"She's an adult who can make her decisions," Guadalupe pointed out.

"I know. But sometimes, she doesn't listen due to her stubbornness and that makes her do things that I know she's going to regret," I tell her.

"Babe, you can't always protect her. She knows what to do if she finds herself in bad situation and she'll ask you for help if she needs it," Guadalupe reassured.

I was about to respond, when I hear my phone ring and I see Veronica calling me.

"What's up, Ve?" I asked, when I picked up the phone.

"Can you come to the Alibi? Kevin is having an event and I kinda screwed up with him earlier with him, by not supporting him," Veronica answered.

"Hold on," I say, before pulling the phone away my ear.

"Do you want to stop by the Alibi real quick to support Kev?" I asked Guadalupe.

"Sure. I want to be out of the house for a bit," Guadalupe tells me.

"Hey Ve, Guadalupe and I will be there," I tell her.

"Alright, see you there," Veronica tells me.


When we get there, the event looks dead.

"What's with the event?" Guadalupe asked Veronica, as we sat down.

"Kev wants to buy the bar. Here's your sodas," Veronica tells me.

"The crazy old man finally unfit to run this place?" I asked.

"He is," Veronica answered, before Frank walked in with a TV in a wagon.

"Nice. Where'd you steal that one from, Frank?" Kevin asked Frank.

"Booze," Frank said, before he sat down.

"Have you been crying?" Kevin asked.

I get a good look of his face, and he was indeed crying.

"It's the end of the world. Frank Gallagher does have feelings," I say, sarcastically.

"You look like you've seen a ghost, Frank," Karen tells him.

Frank turns around and tosses something at Karen's boyfriend. The next thing you know, they're engaged.

"You okay, daddy?" Debbie asked Frank.

"I just looked death in the face, Debs. It wasn't pretty," Frank answered.

"I know what you mean. You gotta just think of something nice," Debbie tell him, before grabbing his hand.

After a few minutes, I feel Guadalupe grip my arm.

"You okay?" I asked her.

"My water broke," she tells me and my eyes widen.

"It's a good thing we put the hospital bags in the car before we came here. Let's go," I tell her.

"Veronica, call Fiona and tell her that we're having a baby," I tell Veronica and everyone in the Alibi began to cheer.


After a few hours, our baby boy is finally born. I come out and I see mine and Guadalupe's family in the waiting room. As soon as they see me, they came towards me.

"What's the verdict?" Debbie asked.

"It's a boy," I say and they cheered.

"What's the name?" Fiona asked.

"His name is......." I say.


Author's note:

What do you think Elijah's and Guadalupe's son should be?

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