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Could we start again, please
season 11 ep 7

🎵Champagne Problems-Taylor Swift🎵

"your sister splashed out on the bottle"


"What's wrong with you?" Madelyn asks Callie as they wait in the ambulance bay

"Uh... I was... I was up all night" Callie replies dryly

"Me too" Madelyn says with a smirk

"Sofia's been acting out, asking questions about me and Arizona, and I don't know what to tell her or how to tell her, so I'm just not sleeping. I'm miserable. Why didn't you sleep?" Callie asks

"Oh, you don't want to know" Madelyn warns

"What's going on?" Callie ask's curiosity's

"April and I were up having sex all night" Madelyn answers

"Yeah, I kind of didn't want to hear that" Callie admits

"I told you" Madelyn says "I can take Sofia some point this week if you would like a night to yourself?"

"Oh, are you sure?" Callie asks

"Yeah of course. I love spending time with my little Sofs" Madelyn replies

"That would be very helpful" Callie answers as the ambulance arrives

"69-year-old male, jumped two stories from a burning building. Shocky, B.P.'s 95 over 60 with a rate in the 120s. G.C.S. 14 in the field" the paramedic says

"Hattie..." the patient says

"Why am I looking at two patients on one gurney?" Callie asks

"She's dead" the paramedic says

"What?" Madelyn exclaims

"Hattie..." the patient says again

"We couldn't find a pulse. And we tried to pull her off, but the husband just held on" the paramedic explains "He was agitated. He wouldn't let her go. So we had to stop 'cause we were afraid we were gonna hurt him"

"What've we got" Amelia says as they enter the ER "oh, wow."

"Hattie..." the patient repeats

"Witnesses said he carried his wife out the window and jumped to escape the fire. We think he was trying to break her fall" the paramedic says

"Let's get them into trauma one" Madelyn orders


"His skin is mottled and cyanotic. We have to get her off of him" Mer says

"Sir, you have to let her go" Madelyn says

"No" the man replies

"We have to move her to help you" Madelyn explains

"No, no" he protests

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