not ready

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season 13 ep 6


"'and i'll break for you, baby"


Madelyn lay awake staring at the ceiling, she turns her head to look at the clock reading 5:28am, the brunette waited for the cries of Alexis which occurred every morning at exactly 5:30am, when the clock read 5:30 she attempted to get up only to be restricted by a weight on her chest, she looked down in confusion staring at the sprawl of blonde hair. That's when the brunette realised she wasn't at home, and there was no crying baby to wake up to. She lets out a deep sigh releasing she was way more tired than she'd anticipated.

Deciding against closing her eyes and going back to sleep she slowly begins to run her fingers up and down Willows back, hoping to wake the blonde up eventually.

After a few minutes Willow mumbles out a quiet "Good morning" as she buries her face in the brunettes neck

Madelyn smiles to herself before placing a kiss on the blondes head "Morning sleeping beauty" she says

Willow lifts her head up so her eyes meet Madelyn's "Do we have to go to work" she groans

"We do" Madelyn chuckles "But not right this moment" she says making Willow lay her head back on Madelyn's chest as the brunette runs her fingers through the blondes hair

"Can I ask you something?" the blonde asks

"Of course" Madelyn replies with curiosity

"When can I meet Alexis?" Willow asks softly

"Oh" Madelyn says not expecting that

"It's just, you know Aprils been really kind, you're my girlfriend, and I love babies, so if you're okay with me meeting her I am more than ready" Willow says "Plus then i'll finally get to see your place"

"I'll speak to April" Madelyn replies


"You paged?" Madelyn asks walking into the trauma room

"Uh, yeah, come take a look" April gesturing towards her patient

"Okay, that's really deep" Madelyn says looking at the man's wound "DeLuca, start cleaning the wound" she says to the resident before turning to April "Looks like he took a beating"

"Car hit the median. They're lucky everyone survived" April replies

"Can I talk to you later?" Madelyn asks

"Yeah- yeah sure" April replies "Is everything ok-"

"My kid was in the car with me. This guy was all over the road" the man says

"There's blood in his abdomen" Warren says

"Better book the C.T" April replies

"Three lanes he whipped across just to cut me off. I mean, what the hell? Who does that? Oh, God. Robbie. What's happening with my son? Is he okay?" the man panics

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