it's a boy

877 41 4

Where do we go from here
season 11 ep 9

🎵Gilded Lily-Cults🎵

"haven't I given enough"


"April" Madelyn says walking over to the redhead

"Oh there you are" April says "We need to talk tonight about finalising the wedding. And fit in the dress fittings which i'm going to have to do last minute because this little munchkin is getting bigger everyday" she says pointing to her baby bump

"April" Madelyn says again this time quieter

"What's wrong honey? Did something happen?" April asks placing her hand on the side of Madelyn's face

Madelyn takes Aprils hand in her own "We need to talk" she says intertwining their fingers

"Oh- okay" April says anxiously "Did I do something?"

"No- no of course not. You didn't do anything, just come with me" Madelyn says directing April into a quiet room

"Okay you're killing me, what's wrong" April says searching Madelyn's eyes

"I just spoke to Stephanie, about the baby, our baby" Madelyn says thinking about how to word this

"Is everything okay?" April asks

"No" Madelyn says "Everything is not okay" she takes a deep breath "Osteogenesis imperfecta"


"Osteogenesis imperfecta. We need to run more tests to find out what type but-"

"No, no" April says shaking her head "You're joking"

"I'm not- why would I-"

"Please tell me your kidding" April begs "Please"

"April" Madelyn sighs "Come here-"

April takes a step back "No. Don't. Just don't" she says leaving the room as quickly as possible


Madelyn walks over to Owen "Chief, uh, just wanted to let you know that I don't think April's gonna make it in today. We had some news, um..."

"April's here" Owen interrupts

"Wait. What?" Madelyn frowns

"Yeah. She's been here all morning. She's just on her way up to surgery. Everything okay?" Owen asks

"Uh, yeah, yeah. Thank you" Madelyn replies "You know what? No. Actually, I need you to pull her out of surgery right now"

"Shepherd, I can't..."

"No, look. She shouldn't operate. She shouldn't even be at work today at all, so she should definitely not be operating. I need you trust me when I say that" Madelyn says firmly


Madelyn finds herself being dragged into an empty hallway, once she's pulled to a stop shes face to face with April

It's always been you, April KepnerWhere stories live. Discover now