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With or without you
season 11 ep 17

🎵Big Brother I'm Just Like You🎵

"i'm gonna be just like you, no matter what you say I can do"


"Hey, Wilson, Edwards. I've got a lacerated spleen in 20 minutes, and Hunt had a personal matter come up. I need someone downstairs. Start with the headache in bed 3" Madelyn says walking up to the residents who both raise their hands eagerly "Wilson, it's yours"

"Dereks back" Mer she's walking up to the brunette


"He's back" Mer repeats

"Where is he?" Madelyn asks

"At home with the kids" Meredith says as Madelyn begins to walk off


Madelyn takes a deep breath before knocking on the door, within seconds the door was open and she was standing opposite her brother

"Mads" Derek says "Do you want to come in, Baileys just gone to sleep and Zola is watching Tv"

"Yeah, I think we're overdue a conversation" Madelyn replies walking in, as she passes the couch she leans down to place a kiss on the top of Zola's head "Hey angel" she says before walking into the kitchen where Derek now stands

"Can I get you something to drink?" he asks

"No I'm good" Madelyn declines

"How've you been?" Derek asks

"Samuel" Madelyn says "Samuel, the name of my son. I don't know if Mer told you that already or Amelia or maybe even mom because even she has spent more time checking in on me than you have"

"I left and I knew you were mad so I figured-"

"God you're such and idiot" Madelyn cuts him off "I lost my baby, all you had to do was call"

"I know. I'm sorry" Derek says

"Sorry just isn't enough this time" Madelyn says "I just feel like I can't trust you Derek"

"You can" he says

"Really? Because right now i'm sat here wondering if you'll even show up to my wedding this week to walk me down the aisle or if I should get someone else to do it" Madelyn says

"Madelyn, i'll be there, of course i'll be there" Derek says moving towards his sister "I came back because I realised that this is my home, i'm back now, and i'm not going anywhere"

"Did you do it?" Madelyn asks

"Do what?" Derek questions

"A woman answered your phone" Madelyn says watching Dereks face carefully "And now you're here" she says paying close attention to her brothers face before letting out a scoff "You're here because you have something to apologise for, right?"

"I love Meredith. I always have and I always will" Derek says

"Yeah, two things can be true at once" Madelyn says

"I came back for her" Derek says

Madelyn looks down at her pager in annoyance as it continues to make a noise "I have to go"

"Maddy" Derek says softly "I'm here" he says

Madelyn smiles softly "I know" she whispers moving forward to give him a hug

"You're all grown up now" he whispers

"I am" Madelyn smiles proudly


Madelyn walks into Jos patient, Andrea's Room

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no" the patient says

"Okay, just relax, Andrea. Dr. Wilson said I could have a look at your little buddy there?" Madelyn says


"Okay, I feel for you. I do. But you got to let us yank him out." Jo says

"Wilson!" Madelyn warns

Andrea sighs "But it hurts. I think he has teeth"

"I know you're scared. He is, too. He doesn't want to come out. He has found the perfect... Safe home. The tissues in your sinuses are warm and damp and cozy. But they're also tasty, and he's gonna get hungry, and then he's gonna start chomping away. And the more he chomps through them, the closer he's gonna get to your brain. And your brain... Oh, your brain. That'll... that'll be like Christmas dinner" Madelyn says

"He's here. He's right here. Get him out" Andrea says

"Okay, okay, Andrea. This is what I want you to do. I want you to take a great big sniff" Madelyn instructs

"What? Sniff in? No way. H-he'll end up somewhere behind my eyeball" Andrea says

"No, he won't. Your sinuses will contract. It'll help. I promise. Ready? Sniff"

As she does, Jo manages to pull it out, holding up a leech

"There you are, you little bugger" Jo says

"Oh, my God. Oh, my God. It's so gross. And he was in my face. What is it?" Andrea asks

"Oh, it's a leech. Do you want to keep him?" Madelyn asks

"If you don't, I will" Jo says excitedly


"If you ever back your bags and leave me I'll never forgive you" Madelyn says walking hand in hand with April

"Okay. I won't" April says "Where did that come from?"

"Dereks back" Madelyn says "I spoke to him"


"Yeah. I mean everything's fine but- just don't leave" Madelyn says

April stands on her tiptoes so she can place a kiss on Madelyn's cheek "You're stuck with me forever" she replies

It's always been you, April KepnerWhere stories live. Discover now