conjoined twins

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this magic moment
season 8 ep 11

🎵Nothing-Bruno Major🎵

"track suits and red wine, movies for two"


Owen has the attention of all the surgeon's in the OR as he gives his speech "Practice, practice, practice until it is perfect, people. This is a long, complex procedure with many parts. Therefore many opportunities for error. So we're gonna go over this again. Team leaders, let's get in place"

Madelyn is on green team with Derek as their leader, the red team being led by Arizona

"All right, green team over here, please" Derek orders

"Let's go, red" Arizona says

"We've offered this family every pro bono dollar, every surgical hand, every resource this hospital has. So I'm asking you for every resource that you have. Be sharp, be present, be focused. Dr. Robbins has been caring for these children since the day they were born. They will each get a new life today. Our actions will decide what kind of lives they will be. Let's begin" Owen says revealing two dolls resembling the real conjoined twins


"Mm. Flaps are inset and viable" Derek says

"We are looking at at least 18 hours, so come and go if you need to, hydrate, eat, but be here at least 30 minutes before your procedures. All right. Next up, general surgery" Owen says

"First we need to establish each baby's blood supply to the shared colon. Then we separate the colon, making the first incision..." a peds surgeon says

Arizona interrupts "I will make the first incision"

"We'll separate the colon. Okay, and now I'm checking the displaced kidneys..."

Arizona interrupts again "To make sure they're intact and functioning"

The peds surgeon gives her a weird look "Uh, that's implied"

"I don't care. Say it"

"...Checking the kidneys to make sure they're intact and functioning"

" Okay, you need to tie that off better, though"

"You forgot to cauterize. You want this baby to bleed out?"

"Do I... No, I..."

"Yeah, I should think not"

"What is her problem?" Madelyn asks Derek who just shrugs in response

"Okay, it's time to flip them. Karev, you're up" Arizona says


"Karev, you rushed it" Arizona scolds "You're like two steps ahead of me"

"No, you over me. Yours over mine, everything's fine.Mine over yours, babies in the morgue. That's how it works"

Madelyn laughs at the boys words earning a glare from the wound up blonde woman

"That's your pneumonic device? Great. Now Brandi's wounds are exposed, and little Andi's gone without oxygen for a whole minute. Okay, I ... can we start over?" Arizona asks Hunt

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