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love turns you upside down
season 9 ep 8


"if i was dying on my knees, you would be the one to rescue me"


"Help. We need a doctor. Help" two men say running into the ER

"Sir, sir. Just calm down. Please. Just tell me what happened" Heather asks

"I think we killed bigfoot" one of the men say

Madelyn glances up "Bigfoot?"  she asks confused

"Yeah. I was just having a go at some whitetails, and I heard this scream" he says as Madelyn, Heather, Meredith, Callie, Bailey and Richard all follow him outside

"You shot someone?" Madelyn exclaims

"I-I didn't see him. I swear. It just happened so fast, and then I saw this thing coming at me, like-like a monster" he defends

"Did you shoot him again?" Mer asks

"I may have fired a warning shot...And I was just headed into town and it jumped into the road. I tried to swerve, but..."

"Wait. You shot bigfoot?" Mer asks

"And then you ran him over?" Callie asks


"Well, where's bigfoot now exactly?" Richard asks as the doctors come to a stop at the mans truck

Something covered with grass and leaves in the back of the pickup truck suddenly sits up and starts screaming in pain...they really did shoot Bigfoot


"Guy's crazy, wearing this thing. I-it's like he wanted to get shot" one of the men say as the doctors try to save Bigfoot

"Brooks, get over here and help with the cutting" Mer orders

The man sits up and groans

"Did you cut him?" Madelyn asks Heather who objects

"Don't cut my ghillie suit" he says

"His what?" Heather asks

"It's army issue. Best damn camouflage there is"

"Yeah, for war. Not hunting deer. We wear orange coats for a reason" one of the men say

"Oh, I got it. I got it" Heather says

"You know, I myself prefer hobbies like stamp collecting or crochet ... Something that doesn't involve guns and ... helpless little creatures"
Bailey says

"Um, Brooks, escort the gentlemen outside"
Mer says

Heather ushers the men out "Okay. This way"

Jackson walks into the trauma room "Hi, Dr. Torres, we just heard back about the cadaver nerves, but the longest they have is 7 centimeters"

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