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I Am Not Waiting Anymore
season 12 ep 15


"'girl, you're such a backstabber"


Madelyn is sat at her desk attempting to catch up on her post-ops charts, her task is interrupted by a soft knock on the door

"Come in" she says, looking up she didn't expect Arizona to be the one to walk into her office

"Hey, how's it going?" the blonde asks closing the door behind her

"Uh, pretty good. What's up?" Madelyn asks in confusion

"Nothing" Arizona says as she watches the brunette stand up and start organising her paperwork "Have you talked to April?" she asks

"Not toady. Why?" Madelyn asks

"Nothing" Arizona says quickly "Um, I just wanted to see how you guys were doing. Have a good night" she says but just as she's about to leave Madelyn stops her

"She knows" Madelyn groans

"Knows?" Arizona questions

"April knows" the brunette says again

"What?" the blonde asks confused

"Doesn't she? Who told her? Let me guess, Jo told Karev and Karev told April?" Madelyn says "Brilliant, i'm never telling Jo anything ever again"

"I'm not sure h... well, she told Karev. Um, or he figured it out" Arizona says

Madelyn looks at Arizona with a strange look "No, I mean, I-I told Jo. I just asked her to keep it to herself"

"What, keep it to herself? What are you talking about?" Arizona asks

"That I'm seeing people. That I'm dating. That I went on a date. So, April knows, huh?" Madelyn says

"Uh, that you're seeing other people" Arizona mumbles

"Does April know?" Madelyn asks now even more confused

"No! N... She doesn't. She doesn't know anything about that" Arizona dismisses

"So then what are you talking about?" Madelyn asks

Arizona hesitates before saying "Nothing. I w... I was... Nothing"

Madelyn shakes her head "All this is just so weird and new. I mean, I just really don't want April to get her feelings hurt here, okay? So just do me a favor. Keep it to yourself"

"April's pregnant" Arizona blurts out

"April's pregnant" Madelyn repeats slowly

"Yeah" Arizona whispers

Madelyn feels her heart drop to her stomach "Why are you telling me this?" she asks the blonde in annoyance just as the door opens

"Madelyn, can we..."

Madelyn turns to the redhead "Why is she telling me this?"

It's always been you, April KepnerWhere stories live. Discover now