fire pt2

612 44 11

Ring Of Fire
season 13 ep 24.1

🎵Always-Daniel Caesar🎵

"losing my head over you"


"We have a multiple-alarm fire on floors five and six, from the service elevators east. And we are concerned about structural damage on that floor" Firefighter says to the crowd of doctors gathered in the lobby

"We're diverting all incoming traumas" Webber informs

"Patients in immediate or impending danger need to be evacuated first. Unaffected areas... the E.R., radiology, nursery, daycare... they stay put. We have to prioritize." Bailey adds

"Firefighter Carroll here will be directing you to the most urgent areas" Webber says

"Yeah, and, uh, the woman with her arm in the air over there is Dr. Kepner" Bailey points towards April who's making herself known to the other doctors "She is setting up a holding area... ?"

"Outside by Parking Lot 1" April says

"By Parking Lot 1" Bailey repeats "Take evacuated patients to her. She is in charge"

"And if your patients can walk, they can transport themselves" Meredith adds

"Okay, thank you Dr. Grey. Do not be a hero. Okay?" Webber warns "If they can walk, let them walk. Carry the rest. The elevators are not working. Do not try and use them"

"Work fast, but work safe" Bailey dismisses

April quickly pushes through the other doctors in hopes to grab Baileys attention "Dr. Bailey!" she calls out

"Kepner" Bailey replies in acknowledgement

"Uh, you haven't seen Madelyn have you?" the redhead asks

"Dr. Shepherd is not on shift today" Bailey replies

"No I know- I know but she's here" April sighs

Bailey shakes her head slowly "Of course she is"

"Chief Bailey" a police officer says rushing over "The man we're looking for- have you got a description, a name, anything?" he asks

"Uh- yes. Tony Truman...."

Suddenly Baileys voice becomes distant to the redhead, now Aprils sure she knows where Madelyn is. Well, no. But she knows she's with him. And that was not a good thing.

"Kepner!" Bailey snaps bringing her out of her trance "We need you outside"

"Right. Yes. Yeah. Okay" April says trying to shake off the negative thoughts


Madelyn knew where she was, she knew she was at Grey-Sloan memorial. She knew what had just happened. Her mind knew but it was almost as if her body didn't.

The familiarity of the pain just took her back to the place she could have sworn she escaped.

Eventually the pain takes over her mind and all she can see are the faces of those no longer with her. The voices that follow her everywhere.

It's always been you, April KepnerWhere stories live. Discover now