Secret night kisses and the best friends ever...

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I frickin love this edit of Zoe, just thought that I'd put that our there...
This is the last chapter ... Comment below if you would like a sequel ;) thank you all so so so so much, I love you all,
Georgia. Xx

We had the best day at the beach and I didn't want it to end, we were there all day, but now we are sat in a restraunt near the beach.
"Um so...when are we gonna tell them about us...?" I whispered to Alfie.
"Now if you want to or just whenever!" He replied.
"Urrr... Guys? I wanted to say that... Alfie and I are ... Together" I announced and quickly covered my face from all the squeals and cheers.
"Finally mate!" Joe shouted over to Alfie. Alfie just smirked and laughed slightly. We had the bestest friends... Nobody could deny that one, for shore.
{{I'm so sorry for the massive time skips}}
We were now back in the hotel and everyone had gone to bed because they were extremely tired. I changed into my shorts and vest top and took off my bra, after I did my face routine and brushed my teeth, I hopped into bed and text Alfie;
'Goodnight big one, I love you <3 xxxxxx'
I pressed send and moments later got a reply,
'Night night liccle one, I love you too<3xooxoxxo'
I woke up and immediately checked my phone. 3am... Wtf? I had a text from Alfie too, from 11 minutes ago,
'Text me when you wake up, can't sleep. Xxxxxx'
I very quickly replied to him.
'I'm awake too:(xxxxxx'
I led there from a bit attempting to get back to sleep, but obviously failing miserably. Until I heard a whisper through the door crack,
"Liccle one" I jumped up off my bed and swung open the door but also being careful not to wake Louise up, she would be so very annoyed. Although she did do it to me, twice before now.
"Alfieee" I cuddled into him and he chuckled quietly.
"Up for the beach again?" He sleepily whispered to me.
"What?" I questioned, a bit shocked at his madness but still happy to go along with it.
I shrugged my shoulders, "haven't got anything better to I suppose!, let me just get changed, I can't go looking like this can I?" I said pointing at my current outfit, which was rather revealing to be honest.
He nodded back and laughed
I came back out of the door to Alfie. I was wearing a bra with white vest top, his grey jumper over the top and grey Nike joggers with black and white thin Nike shoes.
"Perfect!" He smiled at me.
"I have no makeup on" I pulled out my bottom lip, as I said it.
He simply leaned in and pecked my lips softly.
"I love you" he smirked at me.
"I love you too" I grinned back, it felt so fricking good to be able to now say that to him.
"Let's go babyyy gallll" he mimicked in a American girly accent.
He took my little hand in his bigger one and squeezed it gently, then letting them hand together, swinging slightly, as we began to walk down the corridor and towards the beach.
We arrived on the beach and walked along the stones, I think this was the only beach in America with actual stones.
We walked along in the pitch black but with lights around the town bit giving us the perfect amount of light that we needed.
Alfie suddenly pulled my waist towards him.
"Your the best thing that ever happened to me zobo head" he smiled sweetly. He's cheesy af but cute.
"As are you" I replied whilst going up onto my tiptoes and connecting my lips with his.
We stood in the middle of the beach, having a full on make-out session.
He pulled away causing me to whimper slightly.
"Come over here baby" he whispered as he tugged gently at my waist and pointed to a tiny dent in the stones and he pushed me in it and collided our lips once more, I could feel his hard piece pressing against my area and I smirked into our deepened kiss.
We carried on kissing, moaning every so often for a good 5 minutes. We then gently pulled away and stared each other in the eye.
"I love you" we whispered at exactly the same time.
"I'm still wide awake...could we carry on walking?" I asked, smiling sweetly at him.
"Yeah, let's go then... Do not sing that song!!" He joked.
"Wait, Alfie ... Look" I covered my mouth as I watched a couple kissing, they pulled away and kept walking.
They looked like silhouettes in the darkness. Cute.
"That's Marcus and Niomi for sure" Alfie suddenly spoke up.
"Is it?" I grinned unknowingly. I pulled out my phone and went on snapchat. I then took a picture of them and captioned it with, 'is this you two?' And send it to Marcus and Nimbob.
We immediately knew it was them as there faces suddenly lit up when they looked down at there phones.
They both looked around then do Alfie and I ran up to them.
"Hi guys!" I giggled.
"Hello Zoe" Alfie replied in a girly voice. I lightly hit his tough arm and smiled.
"Were just about to go back to the hotel, I'm tired now" Niomi sighed.
"Okay well were gonna carry on walking down here, right Alfie?" I questioned.
"We'll see you all later" Alfie chirped as we began walking separate ways.
"Bye marcus" I said in my lowest voice possible and we all burst out laughing.
"Bye Zoe" they both said in there deep voices, laughing, we walked off towards the sea edge.
My phone pinged and I had received a text.
Oh seriously?
'To Louise:
Note=my bed... At the beach with Alfie'
Moments later she replied,
She's incredibly hyper by the sounds of things.
We were sat on a brick wall, still at the beach.
"Yes little one?"
"What about when we get home? We live do far away and what if it doesn't work because of that? Or if you loose interest because of my anxiety? Or if-"
He cut me off by his lips on mine.
"I love you, I don't care about were we live, I'm never going to loose interest and your anxiety doesn't bother me, it's simply another part of you, I love you, I've loved you for months, this is forever" he said, sternly but sweetly.

That's when I knew.

That finally, everything will be alright.

We've just been living two sides of the same story.

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