More packing and pizza crying...

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We drove past all of the beach huts that situated next to the shining ocean. It was half past eight and the dim light made the beach light up and look amazing.
"I just love it around here Alfie" she muttered as we pulled up in my parents driveway. "I know zo, it's so amazing" I said back.
"Nearly as good as bath" Zoe grinned at me as she began to laugh out loud.
"Right, come on, LETS GO PACK!!" I yelled, whilst laughing along with her.
I walked behind her as she knocked on my door. Studying all her behind features... Like her hair;).
The door swung open and my mum grinned then engulfed her in a hug.
"Love you too mum" I joked as I joined in the hug.
"I need to pack, were leaving at six this morning for playlist" I groaned. Zoe simply ruffled my hair and dragged her suitcase in the door.
"Come and pack alfieeeee" she said in her cutest voice possible.
I grinned at her as she ran up the stairs.
"Are you two together?" My mum whispered to me.
"No" I replied before grabbing Zoe's suitcase and going upstairs.
"Right zobo head" I chanted as I grabbed my suitcase from in my wardrobe and flung it open on my bed.
We finished packing my suitcase and it was now 10 o'clock, we had ordered pizza and were now about to start watching a film before it came.
"Disney?" Zoe requested.
"I have the notebook, love actually or-" I started,
"THE NOTEBOOK" she shouted, her cute puppy dog eyes locked into mine...why does this keep happening?
"Right then, the notebook it is" I tapped her on the head with it and started putting the tv on when the doorbell rang.
I walked downstairs and flung open the door, a very camp delivery man stood there studying my every feature. He handed me the pizzas, "perfect, thank you" I handed him the money and he gave me the change back.
"I was just wondering if you wanted to go out sometime" he winked,
"Ur-I ... Sorry, no-I"
"Come on Alfieeee" Zoe obviously heard the convocation because I could hear her laughing from here.
"Thanks,but no sorry"
He nodded, understanding.
I shut the door and ran back up stairs with the pizzas.
Zoe was cry laughing on the bed as I joined in.
"Was..that....a man?" She laughed, in hysterics.
I nodded, unable to construct a proper reply.
After we had calmed down, we watched love actually and ate pizza.
When it had finished we both cryed.
"That's the only film that I can stay awake in, for the whilst way through" she smiled through tears.
"Come on, let's go to sleep" we went and brushed our teeth and Zoe took off her makeup.
I stripped into my boxers and jumped into bed whilst she changed into a vest top and shorts.
She climbed into bed and snuggled up onto my chest before falling asleep.
"Alfalfa, wake up" I giggled softly. It was half past 5 and we had to be at the airport at half past 6, and it took half an hour to get there.
I ruffled my hand through his bed hair and put my other cold hand on his cheek.
"Morning zo" he grumbled.
"Come on" I smiled, tugging at his arm lightly but strongly for me. I got up and began brushing my teeth and washing my face, I then did my makeup very lightly though, as we were flying. I started on my hair, I flung my head right forward and tied it into a high pony tail {{Zoe still has long hair in this}} and puffed up the sides slightly.
"How are you awake?" I heard a voice behind me.
"Because we have to leave Alfie, hurry up" I replied to him.
He began doing his hair, and his quiff was on point.
I went into the other room and changed into some joggers and a white tshirt, I then grabbed Alfie's grey jumper, matching my joggers and slung it over my shoulders, capturing his familiar scent as I did so.
I slide on some socks and my grey and white nike blazers, "perfect" I said.
"Done" Alfie smiled from behind me. He was wearing a blue top with black shorts and a pair of trainers.
"Ready to go little one?"

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