Breakfast flirting...

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We were all sat in Sussex slice chatting about life after eating the biggest breakfast I had seen since when I last came here with Alfie.
"Zoe do you believe in love at first sight?" Marcus looked at me and smiled. I turned to niomi and she winked at me, I then looked next to me at alfie who's checks had gone completely red and hot.
"I don't think so, you have to get to know them first don't you" I replied. I sat back on my chair, pretty pleased with my answer. I turned my head and looked back at Alfie, he was staring right at me. Studying my every detail.
"Alfie?" Niomi chimed in.
"Huh?" He whipped his head back round and blushed.
"Awwh alfieeee" Marcus mimicked in his Margaret voice, "checking out Zoe were weeeeee"
My cheeks immediately flushed a crimson red as I looked at Niomi smiling.
"I can't help it, she looks amazing" Alfie muttered.
He pushed his knee against mine and knocked it gently.
"Awww" Niomi grinned.
"Don't worry, you look beautiful too" Marcus laughed at Niomi. She replied with pouted lips as he leant down to peck her lips.
"Right, are we done because I have a meeting in about two hours" Marcus said with his bottom lip sticking out.
"Yah" i said, all the others agreeing with me. We stood up from the table and tucked the chairs in.
"Thank you" Alfie said to the workers there as we waltzed out of the restaurant. When we got out of the door Alfie automatically grabbed my hand and held it tight in his grasp.
That settled it. I love him. This weekend has obviously been planned by Marcus and nimbob to make us come closer, and it worked. I want to spend every bit of my time with him, in his embrace, my hand linked in his. I'm going to have to hope he thinks the same because if our friendship ended, I don't know what I would do with myself. I'd have nobody by my side. I need him. I love him.
She is the most stunning girl on this earth and I want everybody to know it. Everything about her is perfect in every single way. Her hair, her eyes, personality. Everything. She had made my life complete. I never want to leave her side.
"Thank you so much you guys!!" I shouted to narcus as Zoe and I walked out the apartment door.
"That's okay, it was great having you" Niomi replied whilst Marcus just stood there doing a royal queen wave back at us.
They slammed the door shut and I looked down at Zoe as she struggled with her bag. I leant down and picked it up from her, earning one of her signature smiles.
"It's alright, I've got it" she muttered at me.
I shook my head and laughed at her. "I'm such a gentleman"
"You just can't help it" she mimicked.
"Only for you" I whispered under my breath, hoping that she didn't hear me. She looked up at me and tilted her head to the side.
"What did you say?" She grinned.
"" I stuttered.
"Go on Alfie" she said whilst pushing my shoulder lightly.
"I said, only for you" I looked down at my feet, simply waiting for her to reply. Instead, she leant over and kissed my cheek, lightly but it made a fuzz of warmth travel down my back.
I looked back up and smiled, at her bright red cheeks.
"Your beautiful Zoe" I spoke softly.

I just wanna say how much I love you all<3
Question... Where are you from? Please comment, I'm from England:)
Thank you all SO incredibly much for reading this...
Love, Georgia. Xx

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