Sleepover with Narcus?

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Zoe's POV:;;:

After messing around in the kitchen for about an hour, we decided to meet up with Marcus and Niomi.
We began to get ready, I started applying a face of natural makeup for the day whilst Alfie was showering.
I continued to straighten my long ombré hair and clip my fringe back with a bobby pin (grip??).
I then grabbed a pile of clothes and walked into the spare room to get changed. I wore a pair of high waisted blue shorts, matched with a white top which I tucked in. I then added a thin cardy thing onto with long tassels with my white wooden flip flops and my sunglasses.
I brushed my teeth and waited by the door for Alfie.
I filed my nails in the time I was waiting for him. But he finally got there. All the way to the ... Front door... Wow, did I mention that he looked incredibly hot.
He had blue knee length shorts on, matching mine with a white top and dark blue sleeves.
"You look great" he said as he smiled down at me.
"You don't look bad yourself" I grinned back.
"Are you ready to go?" He questioned.
"Urm... Are you? I've been ready and waiting for ages!!!!" I laughed at my attempt to be serious.
He pushed me playfully as we walked out the door and shut it and locked it behind us.
We were sat at a small table in Brighton in slice Sussex with Marcus and Niomi. We were currently giggling at the fact Marcus got badly photo bombed in town and he only realised when he watched back the footage.
"I'm going to go to the toliet quick" I spoke into the group.
"I'm coming!" Niomi laughed.
"I'm comingggg!" Marcus said in his Margaret voice. We all burst with laughter and me and Niomi ran into the ladies loos.
I pulled my blusher and mascara out of my bag, as did Niomi and we touched up our makeup.
"So.. You and Alfie?" She questioned.
"Yeah..." I majorly blushed.
"Are you a thing yet?"
"We're best friends, you donut!" I attempted to laugh it off but she looked at me deadly serious.
"I know you like him" she grinned at me.
"I lov..." I began, but suddenly stopped mid sentence.
She guessed what I was going to say and started jumping up and down and squealing.
"You loveeeee him?"
I let out an obvious sigh followed by a nod of the head. "Yes".
"Eeeeekkkkkkk" she screamed.
"Sssshhhh nimbob! Jesus Christ!" I giggled but serious at the same time.
"You and Alfie come for a sleepover at mine and markys tonight!"
"Okay, I guess I'm not busy."

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