On my way...

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Zoe's POV:;;:
I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. I had been asleep for the last 3 hours. I pulled it out and tryed to focus my eyes on the screen. 'Alfie' I jumped up, debating whether of not to answer, but I decided to because after all I did miss him a bit.
"Hello Alfred"
"Hello Zoe"
"Are you okay?"
"No not really"
"OMG why what's happened?!?!"
I notice the rain hammering down on the windows as I had to raise my voice to be heard.
"I fell asleep on the train and I missed my stop"
"Where are you?
"Bath station"
"I'm on my way!"
"Wait...what...Are you sure?"
"Of course see ya in a minute!"
"Okay bye zoe"
I grinned , my smile felt like it was hitting my ears, I was nervous but so excited, he was staying another night!! It ment that I could stare at his big brown eyes and laugh at his jokes, for one more night.
I swiftly drove down to the station. I hated the thought that he would be out there in the freezing rain all by him self. I couldn't wait to hug him and hear his soft voice once more.

Two sides of the same story✽| ZalfieWhere stories live. Discover now