Airplanes and arriving...

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We arrived at the airport just in time. Our plane was at 7 so we had half an hour to wait, meanwhile, we tried to find the rest of the YouTube crew.
"CHUMMY!!" I heard a shout.
Myself and Alfie both jumped and turned to look at each other as we were walking quite close before I turned around on my heel and ran into Louise's embrace.
"I've missed you peahead" she laughed.
"I've missed you too moon head" I laughed back but even harder.
Louise suddenly let go of me and ran to hug Alfie.
He mimicked Louise and I by running towards her in a girly skipping sort of run and by quietly screeching chummy in her ear when they connected.
"Well, your both looking lovely. Let's go find the rest of the guys and girlies" she chimed in, whilst she looked us up and down, eyeing me slightly as she knew something was different, although nothing was, we had just suddenly got a lot closer I guess... Was it that??
I ignored that one question in my head and carried on walking, but a lot more came flowing in and worrys and bad possibilitys started taking over about what could happen.
I quickly edged closer to Alfie and he rubbed my back.
He looked down just as I looked up at him and he then realised.
"Louise!" He tapped her back and shoulder to get her attention.
Tears poured out of my eyes as they both dragged me over to a small little bench in the airport.
"It's alright just breath zo" Alfie soothed. Louise passed me a pair of earphones and she had plugged then into my phone for me and set up my calm lite app. I slowly lifted my shaky hand up and put it up to my ear. I breathed a sigh of relief. I then felt Alfie put an arm round me and kiss my head. Louise jumped and her eyes went wide. Before she even began speaking, Alfie replied with, "no,we're know... Together" he stuttered whilst looking kind of sad, I wriggled into him more and patted his arm.
"Thank you both" I simply said, quietly, but I really, really meant it this time.
"Zoe I hate to rush you dear but we have 10 minutes until our plane darling" Louise muttered, apologetically though.
"Your right, let's goooo!!" I meakly smiled, attempting to use and put in as much effort as possible.
We walked around the corner and I caught a glimpse of the rest of the YouTube crew.
Tanya and Niomi clasped eyes on me and ran over engulfing Alfie and I in a hug.
Soon enough, Marcus,Jim Joe, Caspar had joined us in the group hug. I've missed all my friends so much.
I had three major priorities for vidicon.
Firstly, meeting as many fans as possible, second, spending a ridiculous amount of time with my friends and thirdly... That something happens between Alfie and I.
"Zooooooë" I sensed a hand infront of my face.
"Sorry-what?" I replied, confused. It was Joes hand and everybody was beginning to check in and get on the plane.
I climbed up the steps ready to board the plane. I reached over to the side and went to tap the outside twice for good luck! As I did it I felt a hand ontop of mine. I looked behind me and there stood a very embarrassed looking Alfie who had his hand over his face.
"That's such a face palm moment" he chuckled but still blushed completely red.
"Come on you loon" I laughed back, trying to make it as least awkward as possible. Easier flight, you know?
I walked down the aisle of the airplane and sat down in my seat.
I had Louise oneside of me and Alfie the other, then Joe was next to Alfie.
I looked up and smiled at him as I put my headphones in and leant my head on his muscly shoulder. Has he been working out recently?
{{huge time skip, I'm sorry}}
We pulled up at the hotel and all quickly got out of the boiling hot car. My eyes needed literal sticks to hold them up because they were drooping sooo bad.
"Your sharing with meeeee" Louise chorused like a 3 year old. But anyway I grinned and did a little happy dance witch made everybody laugh a bit too.
We checked in and everybody began huddling into the lift. I looked across at Tanya and Jim stepped out the lift and grabbed her bag.
"Let's take the stairs" he whispered as he kissed her lightly on the top of her head.
I looked at Alfie and he slid out of the lift too.
"Come on, it's alright" he muttered whilst taking my bag off me.
"See ya on the flip sideeeee" Louise giggled at me as the lift doors began to close. It made me feel claustrophobic and panicky just looking at it and I couldn't risk that again today. Not twice.
I flopped on my bed that I had just recently bagsied and sighed.
I love being here, with all my friends and one extra great friend.

Panic attacks SUCK.
Love you all, thank you for reading...
Georgia. Xx

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