Completely and Utterly in love ...

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We were now back at the narcus flat and all changing into our pyjamas. Alfie was in the bathroom, while I stayed in the bedroom.
They only have two beds in there flat, so myself and Alfie have to share a bed... It's not like we haven't before but I guess I still feel kind of nervous.
"Little one, are you finished?" He called from the bathroom.
"Yah" I said as I leant up against the wall. I had short shorts on and a short grey top on. I had no makeup on and my hair was down and straight.
He came in through the door and stared for a minute.
"How do you do it?" He smirked.
"Look great even when your about to go to sleep" he muttered,
"Awwh" I whispered quietly, as he brought me in for a hug. He wrapped his arms around me tightly, but not to tight. I felt at home in his arms. I could stay there forever.
It was then that I fully realised.
I'm completely and utterly in love with him. And even if I risked losing out friendship, I had to just go for it and I'm just going to have to do it, I want to be with him forever. No matter what.
My eyes flickered open to reveal a sleeping Zoe on my chest and her body ontop of mine.
"Your so cute" I whispered.
I leant down and kissed her little head softly. She started twitching and eventually opened her eyes.
"Oh god I'm sorry" she whispered but not moving.
She turned her head to the other side and giggled.
"I can see you both" she pointed at the crack in the door.
Both Marcus and Niomi were peaking in and aweing at Zoe on top of me. felt like we were together. I wish I could wake up to this every morning and cuddle her all day long and call her mine.
"Earth to Alfie" Zoe said whilst tapping my forehead.
"Yeah?" I blushed,
She dramatically sighed, "what do you want for breakfast?"
"We could go to Sussex Slice" Marcus spoke up, momentarily forgot they were still there.
"Yeahhhh!" Zoe's eyes lit up as her and Niomi spoke in sync with each other.
"Sorted then" Marcus laughed as I nodded my head.
Narcus back out of our room and trotted off down the hall way, leaving myself and Zoe to get up and get ready.
"Come on then little one" I said, whilst tucking a bit of her hair behind her tiny ear.
"I don't wanna move Alfie" she said as she stuck her bottom lip out.
I wriggled my body and she fell to the side of me. I swung my legs round and grinned as I grabbed her feet and pulled them in an attempt to get her up.
"Alright alright I'm going now" she said, pretending to be all grumpy.
"That will always work" I spoke out loud. She simply looked at me and smiled. We both knew that this friendship had gone a lot further than expected but we couldn't turn back now. But then if we got together I could risk our whole friends ship.
What do I do? Do I go for it and kiss her or carry on as we are?

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