Chummy... I think that i...

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Zoe's POV:;;:
I sat there saying over and over to myself 'it's okay, it's okay', but it was no use. I did what i would always do in this situation (not that it's ever happened before...) I rang Louise. I crouched up into a ball, my hands holding my knees as I balanced my phone on the table in loud speaker mode. I let the tears escape from my eyes as the phone rang and rang over and over again. Eventually after about two minutes, that felt like forever, she answered,
"CHUMMY!" She chanted into speaker,
I couldn't think of what to say so I just curled up as the tears ran on to my pyjama bottoms.
"Zoe... Zoe... Are you crying?"
I sat there in a deafening silence, soon disturbed as I heard Darcy shout;
I lifted my heavy head up and wiped away the tears.
"Hello Darcy" I murmed,
"Are you okay Zoe? what's the matter? talk to me please!"
"It's nothing Chummy, just feeling slightly down, that's all"
"Are you sure?"
"How did it go with Alfie then?"
Alfie... Just hearing his name caused my stomach to fill to the top with butterflies.
"Just fine?"
At this point it came back to me, everything that happened, it was the best two days of my life, but it left me feeling like this?, I could not work out what was... I knew from the start that there was something between us but he must not feel it. Deep down I knew what it was...I think... I think... I'm in love with him.
"Zoe? What happened?"
"We just filmed and..."
"I think..."
"I think I love ...him"
I said it. The words escaped my polluted brain. I pulled my legs in tighter and my eyes just poured tears everywhere. My head felt like it was about to explode with thoughts and feelings.
"Alfie? LOVE Alfie?"
Louise had always said that Alfie likes me and she's always shipped it, in fact everyone has. She's always saying that I must be the only human on earth to not realise that he fancies me. If I'm honest, I don't see it.
"It's not brilliant"
"Why? You know he likes youu!"
"He doesn't chummy, I would notice"
"We'll your the only one who doesn't!"
"Thanks for your support Louise..."
"Oh Zoe! I'll stand by you, whatever you choose to do about it, just don't keep it in. Trust me he won't say no!"
"Thanks Chummy"
It's okay, I've got to go zoe, Darcy's crying. Skype me later!"
"Okay Chummy byieee"
To be honest Louise didn't really help. It's not her fault though, I mean who would know what to do in a situation like this?
I let go from the grip of my legs and stood up, not really knowing what do next. I decided I would have a bath to try and clear my thoughts a bit. I love Alfie Deyes ... My bestest boy mate. It's so wrong though! It can't happen! What about the next time I see him? The butterflies in my stomach would be growing and growing and... 'Just go and have a bath zoe'.

Two sides of the same story✽| ZalfieDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora