And let me kiss you!

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Zoe's POV:;;:
"At how you still look amazing even when your completly soaked through"
I thought my heart was about to jump out my mouth.
I felt myself flushing a bright pink colour. He started to apologise, why though? I quickly interrupted him.
"No it's sweet... Thank you Alfie!" Now I was starting to see it... What louise ment. Maybe he was dropping hints, how had I not noticed?
I lent over and kissed him on the cheek. From the smile on his face I thought he was going to explode with happiness. I loved nothing more than seeing him happy.
"Come on let's go we can't sit here in the rain all night" I suddenly announced,
He just nodded in agreement.
I turned on the radio and the cd came on,
'and let me kiss YOUUU!!'
We auto-magically looked at each other and grinned, it could never stay awkward between us for long. And it was only a matter of seconds before we were both shouting the lyrics to our favourite song!

Two sides of the same story✽| ZalfieWhere stories live. Discover now