24: Night Changes

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[ Darshan's POV ]

《 Seven Hundred &
Thirty Days Later》

I turned thirty, and honestly - it was one of those moments in my life that I dreaded the most. I was officially in my third decade in life, and the thought of it was a little too intimidating.

My colleagues 'surprised' me with a small cake, a bouquet and a pile of gifts. I sort of expected the 'surprise party'; at our office, we throw a party for everyone, so basically - everyone knows it's happening, but we pretend to be surprised by it. One reason I began absolutely hating birthdays was because one day in the year, it'd be my turn and the whole process awakens a weird anxiety in me.

What I detest the most about a birthday party is the section when everyone sings for the birthday-person; that awkwardness kills me every single time. Where do I look? How do I keep my hands? Do I have to smile? When do I blow the candles?

Thankfully, my turn of torture has met its end.

"And before we end our small party, Darshan, we have a small surprise for you. An actual surprise", my Boss speaks up in front of the crowd, while I step back from the spotlight. "Darshan, you have been promoted to the post of a Sales Manager!", he announces in a grandeur manner and the whole office breaks into a loud applause.

To be brutally honest, I did see that coming, too. Around two weeks ago, when I went to my Boss' cabin to stack up a handful files on his table, my eyes fell over my promotion letter. But as always, I wear a surprised smile and look around in 'disbelief'.

He throws a small speech about how the company is beyond lucky to have me as their employee, and talks about what an asset I've been to them. Not that I want to boast or anything of that sort, but I managed to catch a spot in most people's heart from day-one, which explains the brisk promotion. Everybody loves me here, except a few, obviously; wherever you go and whatever you do, haters are consistent, but how you tackle them and move forward is what counts.

Dubai - this company and my kind Boss - turned my life around for good. In the past two years, despite the sorrows that scarred the walls of my heart, many good things happened to me, and my whole family. I was someone who almost slept on the streets, with a purse that was always empty. I wondered if I'd ever find the path that would bring my peace back. I thought I'd be lost forever. I've spent so many nights - wide awake - thinking about how I had mountains to move, but hardly had the strength to. But today, when I sit back on my cushioned chair in my own air-conditioned cabin, I struggle to believe how drastically the tables have turned.

Almost all our loans have been cleared; I've paid them all back on my own.

Last year, Sara Di was married off to a man who loved her for who she was; she was married into a family that wanted nothing more than her. It was a grand wedding, and the functions lasted for days. We booked a venue in Kerala, because it was always her dream to get married amidst the nature in Kerala. I turned her dream into reality, and the sort of peace it brought to my heart was priceless. She lives in the US now, and I'm about to be an Uncle.

The first thing I did with my savings was I took my parents out of the hell-hole we lived in. I bought a two-bedroom apartment in Ahmedabad for them and moved them out. Ma's had made new friends; she hangs out with them often and every time she video calls me, she's either at a get-together, or she's exercising with her friends, or trying something new in the kitchen. Her smile is back,  and that's all I ever wanted.

Pa and I have grown closer with time. We often talk about Politics and Cricket over a video call for hours. Oftentimes Ma gets jealous because she thinks I don't give her enough time anymore.

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