14: Hide & Seek

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[ Kavya's POV ]

'You're never too "over-dressed" if what you wear makes you genuinely happy.

I sort of noticed how you loved the outfit and forced yourself to leave it behind. So, here's a little something from me to you :)

Honestly, I wasn't planning on giving this to you because I bought it impulsively, but what am I going to do with such a beautiful Salwar?

- You Know Who :)

P.S: why are there SO many shades of pink? It's beyond my understanding!!!!!

I stand to my ground, with the handwritten sticky note between my fingers and stare at it blankly. My heart rate rises gradually, and seconds later - it sky-rockets!

Oh. My. God. Darshan Raval didn't just do this! Don't tell me he noticed how much I loved the outfit and don't freaking tell me that he went back to the same store to pick it up. For me! For me - Kavya Roy!

"GODDDDDD!!!!", I squeak, jumping around in sheer joy and excitement. "OH MY FUCKING GOODNESS!!!!!", I gasp, shifting my gaze between the handwritten note and the gift box on my bed. This is too unreal to be real!

"All good?", abruptly, Chinmay barges into the bedroom. Probably after hearing my squeal my lungs out in happiness. I put my emotions aside and stand firmly to the ground, hiding the note behind my back.

"All good", I utter, fighting for my breath after bouncing around the whole bedroom and Chinmay simply looks at me in suspicion. "Are you hiding something? I heard you scream", he looks around the bedroom. "A lizard! A lizard was running around. I didn't know what to do", I create a lie on the spot.

"But now it's gone. You can go, too, Chinmay", I try to chase him out of the room, respectfully, so that I could continue my celebrations and call Aisha up to spill the tea.

"Hey, listen", Chinmay almost leaves the room but halts to say something and I look on, pretending to be interested.

Don't act suspicious, Kavya, don't act suspicious.

"The other day at the dining table---", he drags his words, scratching the back of his head. "Make it fast", I mutter under my breath. "You said something?", he furrows his eyebrows and I shake my head vigorously in disagreement.

"I'm really sorry I didn't take a stand for you, okay", he walks over and sits on the edge of my bed. Fuck, no! Why does he want to have all the important conversations in the moment inconvenient of times?

I cannot hold onto a full fledged conversation with him right now. I can barely hold my excitement. I feel I'll burst any moment now!

Chinmay, get the hell out. Please.

"Oh. That. That's over. I'm over it", I hesitate. "But can we talk?", he cues. Absolutely not now!

"Now?", I drag my words, thoughtfully, with a look of uncertainty. "There's nothing to talk about Chinmay. We're good. I swear", I make a desperate attempt to convince him and he rises back to his feet in slow motion.

"You sure?", he looks at me, doubtfully, and I force a calm smile at him.

He walks towards the door, gets a hold of the handle and God knows for what - turns back around to look at me!

On which pole did he hit his head this morning? Chinmay has absolutely no extremes; he's either too nice to me or a complete intolerable asshole! There's no space for in-between.

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