06: Turn of Events

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[ Kavya's POV ]

As dramatic as I sound - everything happening around me feels too good to be real. I'd always thought about how dreamy it would be to share the same space as Darshan. Every time he visited our house, I'd only manage to catch a glimpse of him because he'd spend the whole day gaming or making music in Chinmay's room. And I honestly hated Chinmay from the depths of my heart for it.

"I'm going to have butterflies in my tummy all the time for the rest of the vacation. How crazy is that?", I sigh in delight and Aisha - who is on her third plate of noodles - makes a face at me. "Very crazy", she flatly says and goes back to focusing on her food.

"So what now?", she questions. "What, what now?", I've no idea what she's talking about. "You're going to spend the rest of your vacation staring at Darshan from a distance? That's fucking creepy, dude. That's harassment", she's always over-the-top. "It's not harassment if he has absolutely no idea about it", I shrug. "Oh, you never told me Darshan's blind", she utters, casually. "You honestly think that he wouldn't notice?".

"What are you trying to say, Aish?", I sigh in annoyance. "He's living in your house, you dumbfuck. Now is the time to make a move on him!", she states. "Make a move? Are you mad?", words spill out of my mouth quicker than I thought.

"Are you simply going to stare at him for the rest of your life? And when another woman steals him from you, don't you dare call me and cry. I'll fucking block you!", she scolds. "I wouldn't do that!", I snarl. "Do you want me to remind you about the time Chinmay sent you a picture of him in a club, and somewhere in the background Darshan was dancing with a girl---", she starts pulling out the trauma. "I was a kid!", I snap. "That was two years ago, bitch!", she snaps back.

Well, that story was based on true events! Chinmay and Darshan had a gig in some club. He sent me pictures of him from the night, and every time Chinmay sends me pictures - I'd zoom into every corner of it to find Darshan. I shouldn't have done it that night. He was in the back, dancing with another girl, and it was probably normal but they were so close. Devastated was an understatement. I was traumatised. I honestly cringe so hard right now, but I cried my eyes out until they were all puffy and red. But I have my reasons - I was on my periods, and it was my first day! Forget about him dancing with another girl, the thought of any girl breathing the same air as him would have made me have a mental breakdown.

That being said - I was also a little jealous. She was pretty, and he looked so happy. I still wonder what went down that night.

No, I don't need to know. God, why am I all over the place when it comes to him?

"That night was so bad", I mumble, fixing the corner of my sheets. "I told you to get drunk and confess your feelings to him, through a text message that night. You didn't listen to me", she smirks. "That would have never worked", I frown.

"Aisha", I breathe and clasp my hands together. "He doesn't look at me that way and because of that - anything I do - literally, anything - would ruin things. Whatever goes down, I'll have to face him for the rest of my life because he's a part of Chinmay", I remind her.

"He doesn't look at you that way out of respect for Chinmay. And let's be real - you never showed one bit of your interest in him. Maybe if you do - he would reciprocate", Aisha talks me into her idea. "And what if he doesn't?", I take her to the other end of the spectrum. "At least you'll know he's not into you and you can finally move on?", she shrugs, as if it's nothing.

That's what I'm scared of - being rejected by him. When I think of love, it's always been him. If he rejects me, it's only going to be a heartbreak. Without the part where I move on. There's a feeling of comfort in this one-sided love - because I'll never know if he doesn't feel the same for me; it'll never hurt...until someone owns him. She'll be the luckiest woman in the whole world.

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