11: Fleeting Feelings

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[ Darshan's POV ]

"Guess what!", Chinmay exclaims, slamming a poster down on the coffee table and I reach out for it, skimming through the bold text printed over it in capitals.

"India Rising Rockstars!", Chinmay announces in a grandeur manner. "It's the latest upcoming reality show on television and the best part is - there are no restrictions on group performances", Chinmay explains. "And you know who told me about it? One of the producers on the show, which means he knows how good we are and if we audition, we can get through!", the excitement in his voice simply grows.

"But it says its a rock show. It's your genre, Chinmay. Not mine", I look at him. "Anything can be your genre if you practice enough, man", Chinmay casually tells me. "No! I can never sing rock songs, Chinmay. You know that so well!", I argue with him. "You never tried hard enough. Listen, I'm hiring a trainer and we'll get you on track. See, man, if we don't try, we're never going to win this race", it's nearly impossible to convince Chinmay otherwise, once has he made his mind.

The Rock music belongs to him, an romantic hits are for me. It's always been that way. We were two different pieces that made a picture, but we were never one. I have no idea what he's thinking, but the thought of embracing an entirely new genre triggers my anxiety to grow.

Just then, my phone vibrates, breaking through the train of anxious thoughts.

Chirag Maamu Dubai: hi darshan beta

Chirag Maamu Dubai: what is your decision about the job offer?

Chirag Maamu Dubai: there are only a few vacancies left. Just reminding you beta. Take care.

Is the Universe signalling something at me? Chirag Maamu is a distant relative. When he heard the news that I resigned from my previous job, he said that I could move to Dubai with him and figure something out. Every day he sends me some job offer, with the salary package and all the benefits. The latest one was something to do with a Catering service at a five-star hotel. It had the highest salary package out of all and all the tips that I collect would be mine. It was a tempting offer, considering where I stand in life at the moment, but accepting that offer meant that I'd have to leave my dreams behind me. And if it was just about me, I would have been in Dubai right now. But I cannot be selfish, it's going to be unfair on Chinmay.

"We'll start practice in a while", Chinmay informs and absent-mindedly, I answer him with a nod. I feel that I can never say no to Chinmay, even if I desperately want to. Because he has done so much for me and I can never pay him back for that in any way, except for agreeing to what he says. It comes out of guilt, and not out of the need to do it.

"Hey Darshan! When are we leaving?", Kavya pops up, out of nowhere. "Where to?", Chinmay interrogates. "None of your business!", she snaps at him. "Well, just to let you know he has business. Darshan and I have practice with our voice trainer, so he's not going anywhere with you", Chinmay snaps back and Kavya looks straight at me. "I'm going with her, Chinmay", I look at Chinmay and inform him. "I'm sure that she wants to get her nails done, or something stupid. You can say no to her. Anyways, what's more important than our practice right now!", Chinmay states.

"I'm going with her now, and when I'm back we'll practice, okay?", I repeat myself. I hate being stuck between two siblings who don't get along one bit, and I have to be the connecting bridge between them.

"We'll leave in an hour. Is that enough time for you?", I turn back at Kavya, and she nods her head, with a small smile.

"You don't have to entertain her at all. She's just childish", once she leaves, Chinmay tells me. "You don't entertain her. At least, let me. You want to put her into therapy, but did you at least make an effort to take her out and let her catch her breath? Man, you know how sensitive she is. Just be nice to her. It's not that hard, trust me. She's a nice kid", I speak some sense into him and he silently looks down at his phone.

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